

9 Years
Feb 23, 2010
Huntsville, Alabama
Anyone out there with Red or Black sex links how much do they cluck? I want to get some good egg producers but I also don't want to distrub the neighbors so much that they complain ya know?

I have a small 1200 foot yard...
I have a variety of hens (see my signature) including a Red Sex Link. I would say they are all pretty quiet. The BO girls chatter quite a bit when I'm out with them but don't seem to do this too much other times. However for all of them....when they sing the egg song, its pretty noisy even if short-lived. Also, this morning I was hearing a lot of noise and it turned out my BR was in the nest box and one of my BO's wanted in and was complaining loudly about it. I don't *think* they make enough noise to bother the neighbors (I also live on a city block and my neighbors haven't complained).
Mine are pretty quiet and they're sweet too. I'm always stepping on their poor little feet though because they follow me so closely hoping for treats.

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