Cluesless but in LOVE!! Hi from Florida :)


In the Brooder
7 Years
Apr 12, 2012
St Augustine, Florida
Hi guys, we have lived in Florida for 2 years, moved from Michigan. We have an acre and a half, and finally got our first chickens. When we bought them they were marked "pullets" and said they were female which is what we wanted. Being unexperienced we had no idea pullett just meant young hen.I have since learned that they are Sex Linx, which is great!!! Well, they are now 5 weeks old, and doing great, but we realized that we really should have a rooster. So, this week I bought 4 Barred Rocks, and 2 Bantams. The Bantams are just for loving, the Barred to see if we get a Rooster. We just love animals, want eggs, and want to give our chickens the best life that they can have. Finding this site was a total happy day!!! Cant wait to keep learning, and making my chickens lives better!! :)
from Alabama. Glad you joined us.
Hello and :welcome
You sound like you're going to fit right in, there are thousands of animal lovers on this site. I have sex link hens, they are fantastic layers. Good luck with your new ones, and I hope you enjoy the forums. :D
Thanks everyone!! I am hapi to be here! And Princess, how bout we find out how many of the Barred are roosters and then I will get back to you!! lol!!! What do you wanna bet that 3 of 4 are?? :eek:

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