Cocci been very bad on others this year?


11 Years
Jul 29, 2008
Eastern, Kentucky
I have been battling Cocci very hard this year on EVERY batch of chicks I have hatched. I have cleaned with bleach and kept living conditions clean my hands hurt.

Even with chicks in new pens I built still are getting Cocci.

I am so fed up I have treated with both sulmet and then changed to corid. I have lots so many. I live in Eastern Ky and am Wondering if anyone else was having alot of trouble with cocci this year???
I wonder if the very wet spring we had in the midwest is effecting you. Perhaps the conditions were right for the oocysts to survive longer than normal. I had some trouble last year with cocci and I switched to Baycox which seemed to wipe it out. It's not approved for use in chickens in the US but it is elsewhere in the world.
This was the first year I ever dealt with it. I had changed to Nutrena chick starter and that's when it happened. Needless to say I went back to Purina feed products. I used Sulmet to treat.
I recommend cleaning everything with ammonia to get rid of cocci...bleach wont do it. Stick with corid, sulmet is harsh and only kills 2 types of cocci.
After more than twenty years of keeping poultry this year was my first ever time of having to deal with it and in a growout tractor of two month old turkeys at that. I put them on medicated feed and it stopped. Back at the beginning of June we had a tropical low stall over Florida so that it rained every day for almost two weeks. Not a lot of rain at any one time, but it was every day. I reckon the combination of the heat and the very high humidity was what did it. Haven't seen any further sign of it for about a month now.
I'm from VA and the wet conditions I think made it a great place for Cocci. It hit our chicks hard and we lost several and of the ones that survived, a few have stunted growth. I feel for you. Cocci is a super fast killer.
It was a bad year for us as well! Our original flock did not catch it, but we bought 70 new chicks for this season and only 47 have made it through the whole cocci thing. I believe it was the wet weather we have had this year as well. I know another kid and he told me that 90% of his flock got wiped out...90%!!!! Bad year for chicks. Hopefully next year will be better!!!
I'm sure it's the wet weather.
Free range and caged birds are less susceptible than pen or bedding conditions.
I haven't had any problems but large numbers of chicks are kept indoors on deep pine bedding kept extremely dry and feeders kept at least half full.
Small numbers of chicks are raised in cages.
Good luck.

I know someone that was sure it was cocci that wiped out her flock, she got a necropsy and it turned out to be botulism.
Feed that had gotten wet. Another wet weather issue.
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