Coccidiosis because I didn't quarantine correctly....😔😔 (Not an emergency)


Apr 29, 2021
Middle Tennessee
So, I'm dealing with coccidiosis...yay me🙄 And it's all my fault which makes it worse. I have noticed a few strange intestinal sheds the past few days and just kept an eye on it....well yesterday morning one of my 5 week old EE was dead😔 No external injuries at all, her neck wasn't broken, nothing lodged in her throat so I was very suspicious of Coccidia...then we moved their shelter and there it was....a horrible bloody poop. I didn't get any pics because I was just trying to get everyone treated as quickly as possible. I've never lost a bird to illness until now. Then I went to check my bantams and low and behold....bloody poop.😣 So now everyone's getting treated. Thanks to this site I knew what dose to use and for how long! We've incorporated several birds from several different hatcheries/local people the past few weeks, so that has to be it. QUARANTINE YOUR NEW BIRDS!!! That is all.
I'm sorry for your loss, hopefully coccidiosis is the only thing you will have to deal with.

Be extremely careful when purchasing birds from backyard breeders...people sell sick birds all the time.
I'm sorry for your loss, hopefully coccidiosis is the only thing you will have to deal with.

Be extremely careful when purchasing birds from backyard breeders...people sell sick birds all the time.
I've come to find that out the hard way. We got some laced brahmas from a local poultry swap and one was quite sickly looking but no bloody poops. I gave him some extra nutrients and he perked up, but growth wise he's still quite a bit behind the others. I'm wondering if it was him that brought it to us🤷‍♀️
Are you treating with Corid (amprollium,) and if so, what is the dosage? In a few strains, coccidia can be resistant to Corid, and some other drugs available from vets or online are sulfonamides, suchs as Albon or sulfamethoxine, bactrim, and sulfatrim. Toltrazuril is another available in some areas.
Yes, I have liquid so I am using 2 tsp per gallon of water for 5-7 days.
I must manage coccidia exposure every year with new batches of chicks. All must eventually be exposed to the cocci and develop a resistance to dangerous infections. I use amprollium laced feed to slow / moderate infection during early exposure starting about 1 week after hatch. If the youngsters are around a lot of adult birds, then I also pen the youngters in an elevated pen with a screen bottom to allow feces to fall through. The chicks are exposed, but only with small amounts of cocci so their immune systems can adjust. Some of the chicks can still show check marks in developing feathers but most come out just fine. If I see the infection getting ahead, then I load the water with amprollium as well. Bad cases such as caused by chick getting down on cocci loaded ground can involve adding electrolytes and antibiotics to water too. Latter I have essentially stopped because suitable antibiotics are hard to acquire. The antibiotics seem to stop secondary infections.

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