Coccidiosis treatment questions

Corid is really safe, if you give a bit too much it's very unlikely to do any harm. Since it's .1ml per pound of weight, I would just give it your best estimate. I'm not sure how much a 4 mo. old cornish would weigh, I don't raise them. But as said, it's really safe so I wouldn't worry too much. You can do the oral dose for up to 3 days, they should start feeling better by then. Also, don't do any vitamin supplements during treatment as it could reduce the effectiveness of the meds. Some strains are more virulent than others, so in some cases they can get very sick, very fast. Recovery depends on the strain and how much damage is done to the intestinal tract. If needed (if recovery seems slow) you can treat for a second week at a dose of 1/2 tsp of the liquid per gallon of water.
Also, I would treat all of them that were kept together, they've all been exposed and it's easier to treat them all at the same time, rather than one today, one tomorrow, etc. if more start to show symptoms.
Thank you so much. I have another thread about keeping two of these guys as pets, and Doodle, one of the Cornish X I'm keeping, was the first to show signs. She is who I got it for, and the rest of the flock, so I know that I will have to treat them all.
Thank you so much for your dosage help, this is so helpful. Thanks again, I will find a syringe and do an estimated dose.
Alright, she has her Corid water, and I just gave her a dose of Corid for a little less then 1 ml. She looks like she's in bad shape, and just passed another suers bloody poop. Its more like just blood and a little bit of stool. She's a reck, poor baby!
Darn, I don't have an accurate way to weight her though. I don't have a food scale even thought I keep meaning to get one. She's so light it won't show if I weight myself then grab her and weight again.

Here's one way to get a weight estimate with no scale:

Find something in the house that has a weight on it--maybe a can of food.
Hold the can, then the chick, then the can.
Think about whether they weigh the same, or which one is heavier.
If the chick is a lot different than the can of food, look for a larger or smaller can (bag, box, jug, package, etc)

Of course you won't get an exact weight, but you might come pretty close.
Here's one way to get a weight estimate with no scale:

Find something in the house that has a weight on it--maybe a can of food.
Hold the can, then the chick, then the can.
Think about whether they weigh the same, or which one is heavier.
If the chick is a lot different than the can of food, look for a larger or smaller can (bag, box, jug, package, etc)

Of course you won't get an exact weight, but you might come pretty close.
:goodpost:Thank you! I will do this when I dose Doodle since she was showing symptoms. I will also do it when I dose this girl tomorrow.
How long until she starts to feel better? All day she has been standing still, not eating, tail down, puffed up, and has only drank a little. She hardly moves and is closing her eyes. She finally laid down. She just seems like she's in such rough shape. Anything else I can for her? I know she's just a Cornish X that I will eat eventually, but she has to be comfortable until then. Thanks guys.
If she is not drinking well, then you can give her some of the water/corid mixture orally several times a day. It's important to get the meds in her, if she's not drinking then she won't get it. Once she's feeling better she will start drinking on her own.
I know it will take her a bit to feel better, but she is in really bad shape. I brought her inside so I could syringe her water, and warm her up. I set her on a towel, and she doesn't move, just closes her eyes and lays there. I also want to add that she keeps passing white, runny, thickish liquid with possibly a little pink from blood, but not much. Every time she passes it, she raises her chest, pushes it out and makes a wheezing squeak from her beak. I can get pictures if needed, but I want to know if this is normal for Cocci? Anything else I should be doing?

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