
Thanks! We haven't lost any or seen any that look ill since we moved them to their new pasture. I'm hoping that it has passed through the batch and we won't have any more fall ill. Knock on wood!
I give my CX ACV in their water once a week. Have never noticed any flavor in the meat at all. I use 1/2 C in a two gallon waterer, the following day I always give them some yogurt mixed into feed.
Just got our first 10 Cornish rocks today... good info on the ACV & yogurt, will keep a lookout for cocci
We gave our layers medicated starter for 10 weeks, now have them on flock raiser, no issues. We're starting the Cornish rocks on flock raiser.
i just lost 3 chickens in the last 2 nights because of coccidiosis. i started to give them pills last night, i hope it is not too late. more of them look lethargic, but another 3 will die for sure. probably i was too late with the medication.
should i give the pills to the ducks too? they use the same coop at night.

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