
I've had older chicks, some as old as 4 months that were acting listless. I had lost some of their hatch mates to cocci I believe. I isolated these older birds since they were not eating. I took my finger and dipped it into water, then dipped it into the corrid powder. I then opened their beak and scraped the wet powder onto the roof of their mouth and side of their mouth. It tastes terrible so what I did right after that was took pieces of scramble egg and fed tha to them. put that in the back of their mouth. Followed up with a syringe with water. I actually use the needle on the syringe (16g) and of course don't poke them with it. Just open their mouth again and gently place droplets of water in their lower beak at the tip. Don't squirt this in the back of the throat as this could cause them to inhale the water, you don't want to choke them.
I have found by placing a small amount of the corrid in their mouth works well, especially in a bird or chick that is not eating or drinking by themselves. Once they get so weak I figured I had to try drastic measures and it worked. I have three right now housed together that I did the about treatment on and they are eating and drinking by themselves and will be ready soon to go back with their individual flocks. I've become very attached to them and I think they have become attached to each other so maybe will need to keep them together !!

Good Luck, Keep us posted.
Sometimes chickens shed intestinal lining which might contain blood, here's a link to poop pics for you:

Good link Dawg53 thanks for sharing !!!
Thanks for all the answers. It was pretty bad for a few days. 27 healthy chicks remain out of 51. The ones that were already noticeably ill weren't helped by the Corid,

I encourage everyone who ever wants to get chickens to read a few day's posts of this section before they do it. I'm used to losing friends, but some folks might want to reconsider.

Have a nice day

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