Cochin bantam color question.


Crossing the Road
7 Years
May 8, 2017
This is my little Cochin bantam pullet, Charlette. Her coloring is something I haven't been able go I.d. and was just wondering what lines these markings run along. She does have mottling but she also has what looks like some gold lacing as well. As a chick her face looked like gold laced, her body somewhat like mottled but she had a white dot on the back of her head like a barred. Could she just be a mash up of these varieties. She's just a pet but I love how she looks and I'm just curious. She's the only one I've got that I haven't been able to find anything like online.
Don't judge me- TSC-Hanging head now (she was in the group of first chicks I purchased and at the time I had no idea there were so many places to buy chickens-haha)
Oh, ok. I have a lot of chicks/chickens from Ideal. Their birds can be very good, or slightly off. Right now I have a cochin bantam chick that I figured was white but is feathering in almost like white columbian, which isn't even a color they offer. I wonder if your bird is supposed to be gold laced. How old is she?
Oh, ok. I have a lot of chicks/chickens from Ideal. Their birds can be very good, or slightly off. Right now I have a cochin bantam chick that I figured was white but is feathering in almost like white columbian, which isn't even a color they offer. I wonder if your bird is supposed to be gold laced. How old is she?

She's about 10 weeks and it's funny that you ask that about being gold laced bc this post is a week old and since then her feathers have become much more laced looking. I mean she looks very different now. But she does still have white spots on her head and several feathers. im curious to see if her mottling disappears as she molts or becomes more prominent. I think a mottled gold lace would be pretty cool.
She looks like a birchen mottled..

Is that an actual thing? If you look at some of her feathers they look like reverse Mille fleur-waning black where a Mille fleur is normally buff/ red and gold where they are normally black but the white tip in the feather is the same.

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