Cochin Behavior


10 Years
Apr 9, 2009
I have 6 chicks. 2 cochins, 2 silkies and 2 buff orpingtons. They are all 5 weeks old and came from the same hatchery. They all get along very well it's just that my white cochin stands out from the others because she pecks very hard when she is eating, if she eats out of your hand it actually hurts. She is also the first one to grab at any treat you offer them. The others seem so calm and docile compared to her, is this normal? After reading many posts about folks wondering if they had roos or not I am starting to wonder if that could be the case with her or is this normal pecking order for chicks.
I don't think it's a breed thing as much as an individual temperament thing. My cochin is very gentle but my buff orp is a beast when it comes to food.
saaaame here! my experience with cochins that i have had is that they are very docile... everyone says buff orps are the friendliest, but mine are pretty spastic and greedy when it comes to treats!

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