Cochin breeding, genetics, and showing

Thanks for the reassurances, I will assume the baby will grow out of this awkward phase.
Poor little thing isn't very pretty this week.
This is only the second cochin chick I have hatched and raised, and I didn't even know what vulture hocks were last time. Isn't the learning curve great.
For All Cochin Lovers!! The new Cochins International website is now up and running! (BYC isn't the only one that can launch a new site today!!)
Of course we encourage all interested to join CI, but the website is for EVERYONE - members and non-members alike.

Check it out:

Gail, I LOVE the new C.I. site. Great job and I can see how much work went into it, so thank you for all your hard work.
I have ten new partridge babies hatching in the incubator right now. The first five are out and are looking good. These seem darker than my last little one. I can't wait until they fluff so I can really see what they look like.
For as light as the other chick is he had a ton of foot feathering, and seems to be looking darker than I expected for being such a light colored chick to start with. I will post pics of how he is progressing and baby pics later.
How strange??? I posted this several days ago, and it disappeared shortly after it appeared on line. I just assumed it was a glitch in the new site, now here it is. Hummmmmmmmmmmmm.......................?????
Well, here are my ten latest additions.
They are looking really good. They hatched quickly and vigorously within 12 hours start to finish, except the egg that went in 24 hrs later, which hatched 24 hrs after the first chick. They all have great foot down/feathering, and most are more the color I expected, nice dark partridge, only a couple golden chicks. One chick is having leg and foot problems. it is the biggest chick, and was the first to hatch. I wonder if the problem with the legs is genetic?

I am not sure it will make it.
I am doing what I can.

Here is the latest pics of my Christmas chick. I am sure it is a boy, the wattles are turning pink already. He is darker than I expected when his down was so golden, I think the color would be alright on a pullet, but the male partridge pattern is so different. I am curious to see how he will change as he grows.
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I am not sure what the foot problem is. It is not like spradle legged in that it isn't doing the splits. It is waddling around on its hocks with its feet up by its ears. Its feet had the toes stretched out long, but close together. I have bandaids on the feet to flatten the feet, but I can't keep the feet/legs under the chick so it can stand up. It makes me think of cerebal palsey or a simular neurologic issue. It also isn't eating at all, I don't think it is going to make it. I will post a pic so you can see how it sits, it wallers itself around on its hocks, but it can't hold its body up enough to drink from the waterer. I am giving it a water molasses mixture to drink, but even when it is laying in food, it doesn't peck around at all. I am ready to cull it, but my daughter isn't, and they are her 4-H project.

I have been keeping in the cup to try to help it keep its legs underneath itself to to keep it up right. It keeps tipping the cup over and has been out most of the day. But it won't eat and drink on its own. I am watering it out of an eye dropper. I think it has given up, its eyes are closed and it looks pathetic. See how the feet are rotated in an odd way? I just took the bandaids off the feet, they are more open, but the chick was no more mobile with them on. It can't control its legs or where they go at all. It just breaks my heart watching it struggle to get around, and it is getting weaker all the time. If it makes it through the night I hope my daughter will let me cull it tomorrow while she is at school.
Awwwwwww, poor baby. I don't think you'll have to worry about it much longer, I would say it doesn't look like it's going to make it through the night. agree with you that it looks like it's on its' way out. So sorry about your little baby, but it sounds like you have a nice health bunch of chicks.

I am not sure what the foot problem is. It is not like spradle legged in that it isn't doing the splits. It is waddling around on its hocks with its feet up by its ears. Its feet had the toes stretched out long, but close together. I have bandaids on the feet to flatten the feet, but I can't keep the feet/legs under the chick so it can stand up. It makes me think of cerebal palsey or a simular neurologic issue. It also isn't eating at all, I don't think it is going to make it. I will post a pic so you can see how it sits, it wallers itself around on its hocks, but it can't hold its body up enough to drink from the waterer. I am giving it a water molasses mixture to drink, but even when it is laying in food, it doesn't peck around at all. I am ready to cull it, but my daughter isn't, and they are her 4-H project.

I have been keeping in the cup to try to help it keep its legs underneath itself to to keep it up right. It keeps tipping the cup over and has been out most of the day. But it won't eat and drink on its own. I am watering it out of an eye dropper. I think it has given up, its eyes are closed and it looks pathetic. See how the feet are rotated in an odd way? I just took the bandaids off the feet, they are more open, but the chick was no more mobile with them on. It can't control its legs or where they go at all. It just breaks my heart watching it struggle to get around, and it is getting weaker all the time. If it makes it through the night I hope my daughter will let me cull it tomorrow while she is at school.

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