Cochin experts give opinion


12 Years
Jun 16, 2007
Stilwell, KS
I have a 21 week old buff cochin that I have presumed to be a pullet until this week. He/she crowed one time only this week. Never before or since. I very soft crow. He/she also cackled with the hens once when the were getting ready to lay. Of course he/she didn't lay, just did the cackle happy I laid a egg noise with the others. Today no "rooster dance" but jumped on a couple of hens for a second or two, (not enough to do the rooster thing) while they were out in the yard. Do cochin roos just mature really late so that is why no roo behaviors before? Legs look way too long to be a pullet also.
can you post a picture
Loaned out digital camera. Will get a pic to post soon. Thanx for your help. I have limited space so if a roo, a beautiful one, will need to go to new home.
I have standard cochins. Mine just started laying eggs at 6 months old....and didnt crow until they were 4 months old. I have pictures if interested of some standards as chicks teens and young adults.

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