Cochin pullet or cockerel

She chases the little Brahma and pecks at her and pulls her feathers. She will not let her eat or rest . Very aggressive. I just got them yesterday do they need time to adjust? I let them out in the garden and still not better.
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Some hens can be like that. And it's so hard introducing new chickens to each other. I have one like that. She is an older one, though. I just keep picking her up and/or giving her a tap on the back of her neck with my fingers (kinda like when a chicken pecks another), trying to show her I am the boss and I don't tolerate that. Doesn't work all the time, but when I see her going after a chicken, I have a "call" that a I do. Like a "Heeeyyy grrrr" lol and she knows I am mad and will run away when I step towards her and then ignore the chickens. She is just showing she is the top hen in the pack. It should ease up a bit, but you will always have some sort of pecking order that goes on. Sucks, I know. Some are just strong minded. :/
I am just worried she will injure the little Brahma girl or keep her from feeding if I leave them together. The Brahma tries to be friendly but she keeps pecking and chasing her.
Some hens can be like that. And it's so hard introducing new chickens to each other. I have one like that. She is an older one, though. I just keep picking her up and/or giving her a tap on the back of her neck with my fingers (kinda like when a chicken pecks another), trying to show her I am the boss and I don't tolerate that. Doesn't work all the time, but when I see her going after a chicken, I have a "call" that a I do. Like a "Heeeyyy grrrr" lol and she knows I am mad and will run away when I step towards her and then ignore the chickens. She is just showing she is the top hen in the pack. It should ease up a bit, but you will always have some sort of pecking order that goes on. Sucks, I know. Some are just strong minded. :/

Girls getting along much better! I tried the training method about half dozen times! Don't know if that helped or they are just adjusting to each other finally!

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