Cochin Question


11 Years
Feb 20, 2008
Norwich, Norfolk, UK
Has anyone ever seen a cochin chick with 5 toes on each foot? We found three at TSC today (couldn't get them yet, grrrr). They had dark greyish/bluish beaks and legs, with darker yellow feathers flecked with grey. No patterns, uniform coloration. I'll try to get a picture if they still have them tomorrow.

They look like the silkie on someones post (that had pictures) today. We went back to get them, but the stupid cashier wanted to charge too much for them, so we left. One of the guys there (customer) said that there was someone in my town that has silkies, but he didn't have any information on her. Now I'm on the hunt for silkies in NC, lol.
It might be a cochin that had a little mixture of silkie. Not quite sure though. Hope you find out soon
If they have any of them next Thursday, I'll grab them. Hopefully there will be a different cashier. I'll be able to blend them in with my Americaunas if I wait until Thursday.

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