Cochin question


In the Brooder
12 Years
Jun 5, 2007
I have two 10 week-old cochin chicks purchased from Meyer hatchery as day-olds. The splash is large and healthy, but the dark blue cochin is a runt. I don't mind the small size, but she's also always walked as if her pants are falling down. Most of the time she sits. There's nothing that I can see or feel that's wrong with her legs. I've trimmed her feet feathers (not cutting the quicks!) thinking that the feathers were getting in her way, and that helped, but only a little. I'm not experienced with cochins. I've had clean-legged birds for the last 15 years. Anything I should know that I don't? A photo won't show you anything (too many feathers) but you can see her live on my barn cam (though she's not always in view.)
I wish I had an answer for you.

Have been watching your cam................I see a dark blue pullet - she seems to spend most of her time sitting in one spot - so have not seen her move.
Yes, that's her. She's perfectly healthy otherwise -no one bullies her so she's not giving off any sick vibes. It's very odd!

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