Cochin with black spots on the comb


11 Years
Feb 27, 2008
Franklin, NC
I have a small cochin about 8 months old and all of a sudden her comb just hangs over like its dead and today I noticed some black spots on it. Does any one know what this is? She has always been smaller and slower than my other cochins.
You might want to post a pic, someone may be able to help you. Have you done any reading about Fowl Pox? That is an illness thats symptoms have spots on the comb, if you search you can find pics...Good luck and I hope that is not what it is.....
Do you have a roo?If so he could be grabbing onto her comb to try and court her. Happens to my girls and they get lil wounds from it.
:cdOkay I have the same problem but it's not one bird it's like ten of them have black and white spots on there combs, they too are about eight months old. I did find a picture of what I think it is in this forum it's called Avian Pox. One thing I sell my eggs and I'm wondering if humans can get infected from eating the eggs. Please help becasue I sell at least 10- 18 packs of eggs a day!

Thank you, Debby

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