Cochins -Boy or Girl?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Jun 11, 2013
How can you tell boys from girls in Cochin breeds, besides the obvious crowing or egg laying? I have Blue and Mottled chicks that are 6 weeks old. Of my blue ones, 2 are more black than blue and haven't completely feathered out yet, but have larger combs, and I have 2 blue, that are fully feathered out with smaller combs. Of my mottled, all of them still have some of their downy feathers, and have only recently began to get their adult feathers, but 2 have large combs, and 2 don't. I can't keep roosters, so would like to get them narrowed down soon, so I don't keep feeding them! I will try to post pictures when I get a chance, but just want some input on easy ways to tell. It seems as if the obvious larger combs would be roosters, but I want to be completely sure! Thanks!
When comparing birds that are the same breed, earlier comb development (redness & size) usually means boy. When in doubt, post pics - showing full body (best if standing freely and including comb) and we can help you.
good luck!
At 6 weeks they're probably still too young to tell. Look primarily at their comb. The ones that are really red and bigger are probably cockerels, the ones that are more pale and petite are probably hens. A male will usually have thicker legs, too.

As they get older, the males will start developing saddle and hackle feathers, which are long, pointed feathers. They will be a few months old when that starts. Their tails will grow in, and then the boys will start growing in those long, pretty tail feathers. Here is a picture of our young blue copper marans rooster. He has begun growing in some of those pointed feathers on his back and around his neck, and his new tail feathers are growing in, too. They are easy to see on him because they are a different color. Hope that helps some!


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