Cockarel found outside of run


Jun 6, 2022
I don’t know how or when, but we returned home today to see that one of our cockarels was standing outside of the run crowing. He was standing next to the gate. I checked on them earlier and everybody was inside and fine. We saw a cat outside when we arrived home, but he hangs out normally and don’t think he has anything to do with this. This has never happened before. Our run is 10ft tall.
He may have flown out.

Do you have photos of your coop/run?
If you click the full image you can see how tall it is. Hes not in this image and quite smaller than the brown cockarel shown. I hope he didn’t purposefully fly out though because he’s never behaved like he wanted to get out of the run and when we got back he was crowing and standing outside.


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Sometimes they just fly out -- and lighter, younger birds are better at that.

I only have one hen smart enough to fly back in once she's flown out. The rest all pace around the outside of the fence crying to get back in.

He might also have gone under. One of my other hens is a champion earth mover who used to find ways to go under the electric net until she got older and more complacent.
Sometimes they just fly out -- and lighter, younger birds are better at that.

I only have one hen smart enough to fly back in once she's flown out. The rest all pace around the outside of the fence crying to get back in.

He might also have gone under. One of my other hens is a champion earth mover who used to find ways to go under the electric net until she got older and more complacent.
I might not do anything about the fence yet since all of our chickens are heavier breeds except for him. We may be getting rid of him soon anyways since our other cockarel has started to fight him more often. I’m going to keep a close eye and make sure he doesn’t fly out again, and if he does, i’ll put up a screen around the top. There weren’t any holes for him to crawl out of either haha.
My teeny tiny rooster can clear the house if he wants. He might have been tussling with your other cockerel or might have wanted a better vantage point and ended up on the wrong side of the fence. Or maybe it's angst. He is a teenager, after all. Maybe sick of your rules, always telling him what to do.

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