Cockerel check 6 weeks old


In the Brooder
Jan 8, 2023
Arkansas Ozarks
New to the forum and have lurked around several months enjoying the posts offered up. Decided to join and submit some of the chicks from our newest batch for a cockerel check. Up till now we have strictly stuck pullets to ensure we didn't end up with a rooster. We realized we have no reason to fear having a rooster. Lots of land and a healthy flock. This time around we went with hatching eggs and tossed the dice. Highly recommended as that was great fun for the entire family. 6 weeks later and we are now playing the guessing game with various theories. Would welcome some seasoned eyes and opinions.

Eggs from Chackle Hatchery.

1st up. Golden Laced Cochin (we think). Was one of the random eggs on offer. We believe its a hen.

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2nd is a Silver Laced Wyandotte EXB. 2 in the group. Both unusually large compared to our standard SLWD. We believe this one is a hen though hard to tell on these.

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3rd is a Silver Laced Wyandotte EXB. Again for 6 weeks these chicks are very large. This one took a long time to grow back feathers and tail feathers. Went red in the face very early. We believe this one is probably a cockerel.

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4th a Columbian Wyandotte Bantam. 3 in the group, slow growers. Only guess on this one is due to face coloring and slow comb growth its likely a hen.

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5th a Columbian Wyandotte Bantam. Faster comb growth and red makes us this this one has a good chance to be a cockerel. Though we are on the fence about it.

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6th a Columbian Wyandotte Bantam. Note the single comb on this one. Red face as well as faster comb growth leads us to think possibly cockerel.

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Looking forward to the feedback and any pointers in sexing these breeds. Thanks very much.

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