Cockerel hit by car

Aug 9, 2019
Ontario, Canada
This morning I was handed my one boy who we assume got hit by a car. He was laying in the middle of the road not moving and had some road rash on his one side.

I was only able to find minimal external damage (just the one spot of visible road rash) that I found but I’m worried about any hidden internal damage that may be there? Is there a way for me to get a good grasp on what’s going on internally for him?

I sprayed the road rash down with antiseptic spray I had when checking him over and moved him to a quiet room inside the house. He stood up while I had been out rounding up the other chickens and had just been standing with his eyes closed. He doesn’t have much of a reaction when I handle him but he also doesn’t squawk in pain when I do so is he in no pain or in shock from pain..
He could be in shock, I would give him a little while to recollect himself and then assess him again from head to toe and see if you get a reaction then. I'm not sure if you have a vet near you that deals with chickens, but if you do you could always bring him there to check for internal injuries. It will be hard for you to find internal injuries without having an x-ray unless there are physical signs of blood coming from areas it should not be.

Give him some electrolytes to help him out a bit. I'm sure what he just went through was traumatizing. Maybe cook him up some scrambled eggs once he's recollected himself a bit just to get him to eat sonething packed with goodness.

I'm sorry this happened to him :hugs
I would keep him separated in a basket or dog crate, warm, and have food available. Standing up sounds like a good sign. Watch to see that he is pooping. Offer water and food, and treats to tempt him. Look for any puffy areas under his skin that might be a ruptured air sac. Look for any limping or problems eating. Hopefully, he will be okay.
I’ve kept him in a laundry basket the past few hours and I’m planning on leaving him in there for the day, unless he gets his energy back.

He has pooped twice, the first was a little more solid looking and the second just shot out all over and landed like a puddle. He’s been laying down a lot but he’s also favouring the one leg from the road rash.

He had just stood up and seems a little more alert but now when he stands up he doesn’t put any weight on his one leg like he had been earlier. I’m hoping it’s just really sore from the road rash..

He’s still lethargic but I got him to drink a little bit of water by putting a dop on his beak at a time :yesss:
He could be in shock, I would give him a little while to recollect himself and then assess him again from head to toe and see if you get a reaction then. I'm not sure if you have a vet near you that deals with chickens, but if you do you could always bring him there to check for internal injuries. It will be hard for you to find internal injuries without having an x-ray unless there are physical signs of blood coming from areas it should not be.

Give him some electrolytes to help him out a bit. I'm sure what he just went through was traumatizing. Maybe cook him up some scrambled eggs once he's recollected himself a bit just to get him to eat sonething packed with goodness.

I'm sorry this happened to him :hugs

Oh no! That's awful! We read about raccoons and foxes and dogs, but not usually cars. Definitely sounds like he needs rest in a nice quiet place before a good looking over. I'd pay close attention to his breathing and look for swelling.

Poor fella! I hope he's ok...

That's terrible. Poor guy! I agree with everyone here to give him a warm quiet place to rest and then reassess. I would be looking for a vet for an xray for sure. And certainly electrolytes and egg (I boil my eggs for chickens). Hope he will be okay.

Thank you all so much. I’ll try the eggs and electrolytes in a little bit!

He does have gurgling and wet sounds when he breathes, almost like he has pneumonia..
Kesha, hopefully your little man will be OK, I agree with the others, an X-Ray can see where we can't...
I unfortunately don’t have a close vet I can get to at the moment that deals with chickens.. I instantly thought about getting an X-ray done to make sure there aren’t any broken bones or anything
Is the gurgling and rattles a new symptom there before his accident? Do you hear any air escaping his wounds on his back? The lungs are near the back of his body (see diagram.) It sounds like he may have a sprained leg or hip.


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