Cockerels or Pullets? Too Early? 2 Olive Eggers @ 4.5 Weeks


9 Years
Jan 24, 2011
Los Angeles, CA
Can you suss out the gender of these two olive egger chickens? Hatched them in-house. Any explanations would also be awesome - thanks!!

This is "Thing 1"


And here's the sibling, "Thing 2" (the blue one - we already know the 5 week old white one is 90% a pullet


Long shot of Thing 2:

i agree and thing two is a blue ameracauna. just a fyi.

FYI as noted by the posted they are olive eggers and ameracanas do not have feathered shankes
it is to yong to tell geender just yet and feather sexing would not be 100% because of the cross breeding
Thanks for the replies, everybody!! I'll post more photos of the "things" as they get a bit older. Holding off on naming them until I can get a sense of their gender - don't want to get particularly attached to a roo...
Thing 1 looks just like my little OE cockerel did at that age. I had the one cockerel and two pullets. The girls feathered in faster with bigger tails. My little guy had the tiniest tail and the thickest legs! I could tell that he was a he by the time he was 4 weeks old. Not only did he act and look like a little roo but his body also felt more solid and muscular. We had to rehome him due to our city's noise ordinance.

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