**Cockerels????? (pics)**


8 Years
May 26, 2011
North Carolina
Ok so I got these new chicks and I think these two are cockerels mainly because they have the biggest combs. The others arent quite developed. What do you guys think???



This is them with the others.....


Thanks in advance for any help!!
The one in the second picture looks like a Roo for sure. The first one is hard to tell from the front. God luck! Hopefully you are ok having some Roos!
Dont they all have the combs? Dont they grow at different rates of speed so they could be more developed?? This coming from a "new egg"
Well they do all have combs but sometimes tr Roos of the groups develop theirs faster. Thats why I thought I'd ask. You are right though they all develop in their own time.
The color of the comb is just as important if not more important than the size. Pullets will grow little combs but they won't turn red until just before they are ready to lay, while cockerels can have red combs well before that. Breed does play a role in comb development. That's why it's always good to be able to compare hatchmates of the same breed.
yep I agree most definitely roosters! I have raised all kinds of breeds and the red comb is a dead giveaway the ones that are hardest to determine are walnut or pea combs but the color is the best way to tell. Also if you see waddles forming early like in the first pic, which are also red. Leghorn hens have prob the largest comb and they don't turn red until later like said above, just before laying.

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