Cocks or hens?.


In the Brooder
5 Years
Sep 14, 2014
Hi I'm new to the chicken world, I've hatched these chicks out their currently 13 weeks old. My friend gave me th eggs and said they are a mix of brahma, buff Orpington and barred rocks. Please can you help me determine the sexes? Thank u :))








Oh yeah that's massive isnt it compared to mine! I hope they are girls dont wanna get rid :(
Just a guess, but could be a girl. But just wait a bit, there'll be more people on here to reply and they'll know more than I do.

My boys started showing spurs pretty young. Some of my girls show tiny spurs but that didn't happen until much later.

Good luck!
Hi I'm new to the chicken world, I've hatched these chicks out their currently 13 weeks old. My friend gave me th eggs and said they are a mix of brahma, buff Orpington and barred rocks. Please can you help me determine the sexes? Thank u
) Pullet
I think pullet, and the buff bird is a cockerel.
barred cockerel tail, I'm thinking the middle bird is a pullet, not sure on the bird on the right, can't see the full body.
barred cockerel
I think all cockerels.
pretty sure the bird on the left is a cockerel, positive on the barred bird.
All cockerels.
Knowing more about the parent stock would sure help with sexing. Who was the rooster, who were the hens? From the look, I'm thinking something like a buff Orp roo over Brahma and barred Rock hens. That makes all the barred birds sex linked males. On what I'm thinking are the Orp/Brahma crosses (pretty birds, btw!) you can see the difference in that first bird that's a pullet...she's got dark wings, softer coloring. The males have red wings, patchy coloring coming in pretty good. With that cross, they'll be slower to mature than production oriented breeds.

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