My little silkie let her egg get cold twice-------what's everyone experience?
I got the eggs from eggbid-and they arrived on Sept 17th,
We received the package that after noon and put the eggs under the broody little silkie then.
Two more chickens when broody after that and I divided the the eggs up between the three.
I candled after the first week but couldnt tell much.
When can I expect pippin?
when can I expect hatching/
What do I do about that COLD EGG!!!!!!!
I got the eggs from eggbid-and they arrived on Sept 17th,
We received the package that after noon and put the eggs under the broody little silkie then.
Two more chickens when broody after that and I divided the the eggs up between the three.
I candled after the first week but couldnt tell much.
When can I expect pippin?
when can I expect hatching/
What do I do about that COLD EGG!!!!!!!