Cold feet! Only you guys would understand this

Noble Rooster

10 Years
Apr 28, 2009
So we're finally getting January weather where I live, and this morning there's quite a hoarfrost on everything. I let the girls out, intending to put them in the tractor when I finished my chores. I was about to herd them in when I noticed one, my GLW, sit down suddenly. She looked at me and gave her soft "I need something" cluck. I watched her for another minute, and she stood up, tucked one foot against her belly, and clucked again. Then it hit me: her feet are cold, and therefore she is cold!!! (The whole thermoregulating through their feet thing still blows my mind.) So I picked her up, cuddled her and held her feet in my hands to warm them. She sighed and snuggled against me.
Everyone is now waiting in the barn where they can roost and keep their feet warm until the frost melts off a bit.

No, my chickens are not spoiled at all.
Poor girl! She needs some of these, lol:

I don't blame the chickens for not wanting to out in the snow with bare feet, makes me chilly just thinking about it!
Mine don't go outside without hay or bedding to stand on, so shovel the snow and put something down so they don't get frostbite.
Mine don't go outside without hay or bedding to stand on, so shovel the snow and put something down so they don't get frostbite.

If there's snow, it definitely gets shoveled before they go out -- they wouldn't have it any other way.
This was a bit of frost that would melt away as soon as the sun rose more.
If there's snow, it definitely gets shoveled before they go out -- they wouldn't have it any other way. :lol: This was a bit of frost that would melt away as soon as the sun rose more.
Glad to hear you spoil your chickens, I agree they need boots.

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