Cold temp survival without shelter.

I agree with the other posts.

Here is a great reference book, Gail Damerow's 'Storey's Guide to Chickens' is an excellent guide, as well as this web site. This site is an excellent source of information.

Also here are some other good sites and info.
Henderson's Chicken Breed Chart
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Depends on the breed. All of mine were fine down to about 0F with protection from the wind. With windchill or when it got below that my japanese bantams had problems and ended up in the house. My standards though turned off their heat lamp over night in the middle of our -20 to -30 weather and were acting like nothing was wrong. They'll sit there in -10 with the coop door open and the wind blowing and not care.
The cold doesn't usually bother the heavy breeds. However, the coop needs to be draft free and have sufficient ventilation to prevent the build up of humidity. Humidity and cold is verry very bad for chicks.
I wouldn't worry about heat. Rather, insulate the coop and it will protect them from both cold in winter and heat in summer. As others have said, make sure it's well ventilated b/c a build up of moisture and the associated ammonia will be much more detrimental than cold.

We hang a red heat light when it's below zero in Ohio, but not for the chickens--it's to keep the eggs and the water from freezing. The roosts are on the other side of the coop and the hens do fine. We have heavy breeds and some EEs.

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