Hi, We have a Morton building type barn with a metal attached garage w/garage door. This was our old horses stall, worked great for him till his passing at 30 yrs. old. For the 2 girls that we acquired it's working beautifully. We built a roost and it already had running water, sawdust and empty hay feeders and water tanks for laying. But now for the question about the heat lamp. Being that the space is very large and has a high roof, would a heat lamp in the cold of the winter be of any real help? Do we section off an area for just the heat lamp, or are they warm enough without? We live outside of Kansas City KS. so the winters aren't too bad, except for the occasional ice and below 32 degrees. any opinions or ideas. All are welcome as I've never had chickens, am loving it and want to do right by them. thanks