Collecting Pictures of 2 week old peachicks, Come post yours!

I have an individual pic of the on on the right. The flash freaked them out and they started crying and acting afraid so I stopped.

Yeah, I am thinking either my theory is busted or you have a pack of girls by miracle. If you remember, please let me know how they turn out?
I have one peachick that hatched yesterday and have another one hatching as I type this. I will post pics as soon as they turn 2 weeks!
Here is the little pea I had talked to you about on the other thread. May have a friend of him/her after all.



From your feather studying----boy or girl????
Girl, but don't get your hopes up or down... I'm beginning to think Blu's feathers were an anomaly. Although, I haven't had anyone post to say I said girl and it was boy yet... so we'll see in a couple months when people report back. Thank you for posting these!
Hope it helps and as he/she is the only one I have right now...I won't have to mark which one it is to tell you later. LOL

This one is the same one in the bottom picture. I think it's a girl. I don't really have any reason to think that, I just do.
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I'm not sure why, but I think this one is a male.

I'm really hoping for a male and female but I'll love them both regradless:)
They are both two weeks old. I just bought them today.
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