Collecting Pictures of 2 week old peachicks, Come post yours!

Here is my 2 weeks old peachick
- I have girl or boy?

I think Peep is a boy because he has blackish-blue feathers comming in ontop of his head and has a crest that shines greenish in the sunlight plus he is getting bluish-green neck feathers. He displays every time I visit him.
I do need to get some more pictures, he looks way different. Maybe with all the color he is getting everyone can tell me for sure if it is a boy.
Now that I am pretty sure Peep is a male I need to think of some names...My first peachick needs a really good name I think.
Here are my three, they turned two weeks old today.



This last one was made on my phone (camera died before I could get to it) if you need a better pic of it, let me know.
I'd prefer india blue or splits that look india blue or dark pieds. Actually, if I could find dark pieds that would be excellent, as my two in the first post I realize are dark pieds. I'm not seeing the same differences in the india blues, so I'm looking for additional differences now.

I certainly won't object to more pictures of chicks of any kind though!
Hi, I hope you're still following this thread. Any conclusive results? We got 4 peafowl chicks (5 days old) last friday. I'm not sure which breed they are as the guy wasn't sure. but i believe i have two white and two pied. they'll be two weeks old sunday and i'd love to show you photos. but because of nature and the way they act. i believe i have two boys and two girls. two are really rambunctious and two are more calm and laid back. but on the other hand from researching other ppls photos, i still believe i have two boys and two girls but on the whites i think the more rambunctious on is the girl, the white females seem to have brownish feathers, while the males are pure white. only time will tell tho. Here they are at 5 days old.

Top pict: the two whites i'm unsure as the out going one i think has girl colors. but the bottom two - the one with just color on his back and head i think is a boy, he's so ful of it!! :) the pied one at the bottom is very laid back so i think its a girl.

Below: two whites are mid range in the pict. the pied one farther away i think is a girl. the pied one in the front i believe is a male.
The white one on the left side of the bottom pic is definitely a white, and the white one on the right side of the bottom pic looks to be a white as well but it's hard to see the flights. I highly doubt that it is a blackshoulder though, not with the others that are in the pic. The top chick in the bottom photo (the one with more dark on it) looks to be a pied bird. And the one on the bottom of the bottom photo actually looks to be silver pied... if not it's got a whole lot more white than any normal pied I've seen.

Judging by the assortment of chicks you have, I would guess the parents were silver pied. Silver pied pairings throw whites, silver pied, and dark pied (i'm not sure if they throw "normal" pieds).

And no, no results from this thread- no one came back with the genders of the birds they posted. Ah well!
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