Colobomata in Ameraucana/easter egger


Free Ranging
9 Years
May 22, 2015
Northwest Phoenix area
I have a chicken hatched 3/8/22 from Ideal as part of a hatchery surprise and/or rainbow egg straight run. I noticed the colobomata (one in each eye) several weeks ago. Those of you who have knowledge and experience of them, how bad is this one? This bird and her flock were out of their pen for the very first time today, and she did appear to wig out trying to figure out how to get back inside. (or course, I've had various birds with perfect eyes act similarly). Is this likely to be painful to a free range chicken in a sunny climate, the way I feel when they dilate my pupils for an eye exam, or not to worry?


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That is pretty strange. I have looked at a lot of colobomas in pictures of people and birds. My grandson has one in one of his eyes. But those look very different. Does the chicken seem to be able to see normally? They have been proven to be genetic before in studies. One of the BYC experts in Mareks has a husband who is an ophthalmologist, but I can’t remember which one. She might see this and have him take a look.
That is pretty strange. I have looked at a lot of colobomas in pictures of people and birds. My grandson has one in one of his eyes. But those look very different. Does the chicken seem to be able to see normally? They have been proven to be genetic before in studies. One of the BYC experts in Mareks has a husband who is an ophthalmologist, but I can’t remember which one. She might see this and have him take a look.
I'll tag her in for you. I think it's @microchick
That is pretty strange. I have looked at a lot of colobomas in pictures of people and birds. My grandson has one in one of his eyes. But those look very different. Does the chicken seem to be able to see normally? They have been proven to be genetic before in studies. One of the BYC experts in Mareks has a husband who is an ophthalmologist, but I can’t remember which one. She might see this and have him take a look.
Yep, that's me!

Thanks for the tag Wyorp.

@springvalley123 I'm so sorry you are having problems.

I'd be glad to help out any way I can but I'm going to need pictures of both eyes, close up and lighter that will show the details in order to tell if you are dealing with Marek's disease or something else.

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