Colobomata in Ameraucana/easter egger

Yep, that's me!

Thanks for the tag Wyorp.

@springvalley123 I'm so sorry you are having problems.

I'd be glad to help out any way I can but I'm going to need pictures of both eyes, close up and lighter that will show the details in order to tell if you are dealing with Marek's disease or something else.
As for mareks, the eyes have looked like this for a very long time, and she's in with a flock whose eyes all look normal (otherwise normal also). I'll have to get her from the roost tonight and see if I can't take some closer pictures while holding her with one hand.
As for mareks, the eyes have looked like this for a very long time, and she's in with a flock whose eyes all look normal (otherwise normal also). I'll have to get her from the roost tonight and see if I can't take some closer pictures while holding her with one hand.
I would come help but that would require pants. 😏
With Marek's disease, specifically the ocular type, what I found in my chickens was that their pupils became very constricted. Medical terminology is pinpoint pupils. and the irises turn a nasty gray/green color that they will refer to as being 'gray eye'.

The birds develop what is the avian form of a herpes infection in their eyes called uveitis.

Iritis (i-RYE-tis) is swelling and irritation (inflammation) in the colored ring around your eye's pupil (iris). Another name for iritis is anterior uveitis. The uvea is the middle layer of the eye between the retina and the white part of the eye.Nov 13, 2019

I have a pic somewhere on BYC of my hen, Sassy's eye when she developed OMD but can't lay my fingers on it so this is off the internet.

The eye on the left is normal. The eye on the right is OMD.

It's a very painful condition. My birds did not like to be out in the bright light and would stay in shadows when they did venture out.

The oldest with OMD lived to be about 3 years old before she developed stroke like symptoms and had to be culled.

It's not a fun disease but the birds with OMD lived longer than the ones I had with neural or visceral Marek's.

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