color range for tibetians?


9 Years
Jan 10, 2011
I ordered a quad of Tibetan coturnix and they arrived on friday. The lady sent 5 because she couldn't always be sure on sex. My best attempt says i have 3 males and 2 females. At any rate i'm more curious about what proper coloring is. Forgive the poor picture, but you can see the 2 different ones in this group shot. (ignore the golden in the background) There is an overall darker one (a pair actually), and ones quite similar but with more stripes and streaks. which one is proper tibetan/british range?

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would it be advisable to put the pair of Tibetans separate? they will breed true right? it's the rosettas that will produce both Tibetans and rosettas?
Thanks again for all your help, what a learning curve!
If you don't know the lines they came from they will not breed true. You can breed your Tibetans for a couple generations and then you can't determine whether they breed true until you breed them yourselves. I have my rosettas and Tibs together since it's a probability and they are just British range to me that come in two forms. And then if another gene pops in, the roux dilution, you get more goodies

The British range can go together
golds can go together

the red range and scarletts (red golden) can go together

two forms that pop out.

Now the Jumbo browns sometimes have white pop out but jumbo browns should be kept in their own pen, roux dilutes as well although they can pop out of pharaohs.

But the breeder should have distinguinshed the two forms and sent you the one you asked for.
on your site it states that tibetans are E/E right, and the rosettas are E/e... so if i had all tibetans, how could a rosetta pop out? just trying to understand here. I don't believe that the lady realized it was a difference, she most likely thought that they were both the same and just in the spectrum of the color. Thats my guess at least. I didn't know for sure that they were different, i thought maybe the darker ones were males bout it lol.
If you separate the tibetans, and continue breeding the offspring that come out tibetan (line breeding) you will have birds that breed true.
Yes, you will have very pretty but small birds in this Rosetta/Tibetan line. This "Pattern" trumps everything else, and can turn JUMBOS "Which are derived from the wild pattern" into very white, or very dark brown former shades of themselves. It really depends on what you want.
Quail lady, quick question. On your site you say that tibetans are EE and rosettas are Ee, what color would be ee?

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