
Too funny on the reality show about chicken keeping!

Natalia, cool! Checking it out now..... also, you can post a link to it on this thread.

Glad Abe is doing his job, he must be a late bloomer!

BlueJaye, Just a lot of roosters out there might be the main problem.
Question for you guys! We're looking at a house in the Columbine Knolls area of Littleton. Any chicken keepers there? Any one know anything about it?
My mom lives out that way (Coal Mine and Platte Canyon) and has her first 4 chickens! 10 weeks old! :) It's a beautiful area!
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Was south of Black Forest today, lots of black thunder clouds building, come on rain, help put the last of this monster fire out!!!

Glad Abe gets to hang around for another year!

Just hate it when I can't mess around on the computer all day long either!!!!!!
Too much to get done around here.
Just a quick update on the SLWs and a new twist or two :)

The second SLW egg that was pipped, hatched yesterday afternoon. Yay! Meanwhile, 23 Cream Legbar eggs that should have arrived last Friday, got here today. Boo. Shipped last Wednesday. Low hope. Nonetheless, with 4 broody Silkies with *I think* 4 chicks just hatched last Friday (hard to get a good count right now) I decided to give them the two SLW chicks and however many of the CL eggs they would take. Took the two chicks without so much as a "what the ...?", tucked 15 CL eggs underneath themselves, will not budge to give me a hint of whether there are any viable Silkie eggs and with the way they are doing the family brooding thing, coupled with the late hour at which I took up this task, I put the remaining 8 in the incubator.

I don't think any of the hens has laid in the past week, and I do think they are sitting on about a half dozen of their own eggs that have no chance of hatching. Tomorrow I will lift each and get a better assessment of what they are sitting on, remove eggs I know not to be viable based on what is marked, and give them some of Wendell's eggs, putting the rest in the incubator. There are two more SLW eggs and 14 RIR eggs in the incubator due for lockdown Wednesday, so far all but two RIR look good. Plenty of room for Wendell's eggs. I can always fire up another incubator if needed, but between the broodies and the currently running incubator there is room aplenty.

I am excited at the prospect of those gorgeous black and white striped birds complementing my flock :) :) Anything that hatches that Wendell wants/needs back is his, no question. I will be thrilled to have a pullet or two to add to my layer flock. If a nice trio ends up here, I am happy to be a partner in his breeding program. I know essentially nothing about Dominiques - I've read a bit, but will rely on his expertise to select any keepers if I get a hatch. Too fun!!!

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