
3 eggs when I went out to clean the barn
Considering there are 11 hens it's better than none. The guard puppy did the strangest thing. He found the eggs and dropped them off outside the garage door, without breaking them.
What a face. I need an egg fetching dog! Only I am still waiting for eggs to fetch... I keep bribing the girls with scratch (I say pretty please too), but still no eggs. Poppy bit my finger Friday morning (a bite, not a peck) when I was petting Marigold. Is it true the get a little cranky when they are getting ready to lay? Their combs are starting to pink up, but they are only 17 or maybe 18 weeks old. Is there an egg dance (just wondering).
Cool sign Wendi!! Where did you order it from?

Pozee, Sounds like you have a nice starter flock of RIR! Congrats! Hope you end up with a breeding pair of SLW too.

We have clear skies in our area today, Hope they get the South Fork fire under control soon. Too many fires burning in Colorado at this time.

Time does slip away when one spends it in the chicken coop! They are more entertaining sometimes than TV! Enjoy those chicken antics Wendell!

P Funk, Nice to have a dog gather your eggs for you! Will you be teaching him how to put them in an egg carton next???
Suncatcher, I ordered my sign from I was thrilled that they could make it, but I'm wondering how it will hold up. It seems like the paint may be a bit fragile.
Suncatcher, I ordered my sign from  I was thrilled that they could make it, but I'm wondering how it will hold up.  It seems like the paint may be a bit fragile.

2-4 coats of clear coat would help. Then maybe once a year if you want. We painted a picture on our mail box, and the clear coat has it looking like new a year later.

I'm curious to find out the results of the first candling of the eggs Pozees took to her place........

We are collecting for a batch we'll put in next week. Then we will shut down the breeding pen. It's getting late in the season, and I don't want to be feeding non-layers all winter.....

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