
I'm down to 4 out of 8 eggs developing from Ashdoes legbar eggs. I'm happy with my incubator temp. It's holding pretty steady. My humidity is difficult to get steady. It drops over a 12 hour period. I have to add water every morning and night. I am using sponges right now but I think I'll add a jar of water to see if it will help keep it steadier.

I really hope at all of these hatch!
EG, you certainly wound up with beautiful chicks, and we will be requiring updates :) We will all be pulling for their continued survival and growth!

Tonight I have eggs from Mayah and Wendell going to the hatcher along with my own Silkie and RIR eggs, due to hatch Friday, so have to get the hatcher fired up this morning.

I had eggs in the non-turning incubator that I was moving into the Sportsman early this morning - mostly shipped eggs, so I let them incubate without turning the first five days, and I set most of them last Wednesday night but then added 7 Thursday night so I split the difference (Wheaten/Blue Wheaten Ameraucanas, Partridge Penedesencas, and White Empordanesas, VERY excited!!!) - anyway - I'm in there with the lights off candling as I move to the tray, and I hear a chick - which isn't odd since I have the indoor brooder in the same room with the last few Bantam Surprise chicks and a dozen chicks that hatched this last weekend - but the cheeping is coming from the wrong side of the room. Finally I investigated. An egg that was only set 16 days ago had hatched! This is one of 49 eggs I set for a little girl from Cotopaxie, and I'm going to guess she had a hen brooding and didn't realize it. I can't wait to call her Mom today and tell her :) I banded the chick and put it into the brooder. I didn't see any of the other eggs pipped so hopefully that was the only one, her eggs are not due to move to the hatcher until Thursday. I'll probably have every tabletop I own fired up between today and Thursday, and be ankle deep in chicks again this weekend :) Chick sale continues!

We'll have to try and get some pictures the next couple of days - the chicks that hatched this past weekend include 2 Polish and a Naked Neck - the NN looks like something out of a Dr. Seuss story, I swear!
Those survivors are beautiful! Looking forward to updates on them, and how they progress. Gives new meaning to, Only the strong survive!

Aw, what a wonderful beginning story for the owner of the chick that started under a broody! Maybe she can do a school report about it, would be interesting reading! Another chick that beat the odds! :D Exciting breeds you have added to your line up! Will have to do some research on a few of them you mentioned, know nothing about them.
EG, you certainly wound up with beautiful chicks, and we will be requiring updates :) We will all be pulling for their continued survival and growth!

Tonight I have eggs from Mayah and Wendell going to the hatcher along with my own Silkie and RIR eggs, due to hatch Friday, so have to get the hatcher fired up this morning.

I had eggs in the non-turning incubator that I was moving into the Sportsman early this morning - mostly shipped eggs, so I let them incubate without turning the first five days, and I set most of them last Wednesday night but then added 7 Thursday night so I split the difference (Wheaten/Blue Wheaten Ameraucanas, Partridge Penedesencas, and White Empordanesas, VERY excited!!!) - anyway - I'm in there with the lights off candling as I move to the tray, and I hear a chick - which isn't odd since I have the indoor brooder in the same room with the last few Bantam Surprise chicks and a dozen chicks that hatched this last weekend - but the cheeping is coming from the wrong side of the room. Finally I investigated. An egg that was only set 16 days ago had hatched! This is one of 49 eggs I set for a little girl from Cotopaxie, and I'm going to guess she had a hen brooding and didn't realize it. I can't wait to call her Mom today and tell her :) I banded the chick and put it into the brooder. I didn't see any of the other eggs pipped so hopefully that was the only one, her eggs are not due to move to the hatcher until Thursday. I'll probably have every tabletop I own fired up between today and Thursday, and be ankle deep in chicks again this weekend :) Chick sale continues!

We'll have to try and get some pictures the next couple of days - the chicks that hatched this past weekend include 2 Polish and a Naked Neck - the NN looks like something out of a Dr. Seuss story, I swear!

Wow you will definitely be up to your knees in chicks! That's neat. Good thing you were in there to hear the little guy. It's probably a good thing we don't have more room. I don't think I could stop getting chickens!
The Survivors:




Talitha Kum- This one took to her feet this afternoon. If you had asked me on Saturday, I would have told you this one had a .01% chance of making it. I have never seen anything look so totally dead and recover. Her eyes were sunken to where I thought she was blind, she even sank into the wood shavings because the other chicks moved them over her and she coudn't move enough to shake them off. I had to pick her up to help her drink, and tilt her head back because she couldn't. I have so much admiration for the tenacity of this chick. The others had a long road to recovery, but this one came back from a place where few living things return.

I have no idea if these birds will have long term damage from their trauma or if they will lead normal chicken lives. I am looking forward to seeing the chickens they become.
Awe! They are so cute! I am glad to hear that you had a few survivors. I was so sad to hear about the unfortunate goings on. Hopefully they will grow up to be healthy and happy chickens!
suncatcher, the Partridge Penedesenca and White Empordanesa are ancient Spanish breeds quite uncommon in this country, but a few very dedicated breeders (Hangtown Farms, ronott1, & ChickenCanoe are the ones I know about here on BYC, the WE came from Hangtown Farms and the PP came from ronott1) have been working to increase numbers and quality. I have read many good things about these Spanish breeds, including very high heat tolerance, while surviving the cold as well, and I'm unbelievably excited about the possibility of hatching some here and learning how they manage the climate and elevation.
suncatcher, the Partridge Penedesenca and White Empordanesa are ancient Spanish breeds quite uncommon in this country, but a few very dedicated breeders (Hangtown Farms, ronott1, & ChickenCanoe are the ones I know about here on BYC, the WE came from Hangtown Farms and the PP came from ronott1) have been working to increase numbers and quality. I have read many good things about these Spanish breeds, including very high heat tolerance, while surviving the cold as well, and I'm unbelievably excited about the possibility of hatching some here and learning how they manage the climate and elevation.

Very interesting, not much info out there on WE, just a very small paragraph on FeatherSite. States they are related to each other, the Penedesenca and the WE, very cool! I had never heard of them. They should do well on your southern prairie there! :) Also, found some info here not much, but looks like they are also trying to get their numbers up here in the US.
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