
I was out making chicken food today (bought a bunch of whole grains and mixed my own) and noticed Amber, our EE, wasn't acting like herself. She's standing in one spot instead of exploring the yard with the other chickens. Her wings were droopy and she was fluffed up. She didn't care about food or water and was moving really slowly. She hasn't laid an egg in a week. I'm worried she's egg bound. I gave her a soak in a warm bath then forced her to eat some yogurt with ground egg shell in it. She's resting in the bathroom tonight. I'm going to give her another warm bath in the morning if she hasn't laid an egg yet. I hope that's all that's wrong and it gets resolved. She's one of our favorites!
I was out making chicken food today (bought a bunch of whole grains and mixed my own) and noticed Amber, our EE, wasn't acting like herself. She's standing in one spot instead of exploring the yard with the other chickens. Her wings were droopy and she was fluffed up. She didn't care about food or water and was moving really slowly. She hasn't laid an egg in a week. I'm worried she's egg bound. I gave her a soak in a warm bath then forced her to eat some yogurt with ground egg shell in it. She's resting in the bathroom tonight. I'm going to give her another warm bath in the morning if she hasn't laid an egg yet. I hope that's all that's wrong and it gets resolved. She's one of our favorites!

I am sorry to hear that. I lost one my RIR a month ago due to being egg bound. I hope this doesn't happen to you.
I was out making chicken food today (bought a bunch of whole grains and mixed my own) and noticed Amber, our EE, wasn't acting like herself. She's standing in one spot instead of exploring the yard with the other chickens. Her wings were droopy and she was fluffed up. She didn't care about food or water and was moving really slowly. She hasn't laid an egg in a week. I'm worried she's egg bound. I gave her a soak in a warm bath then forced her to eat some yogurt with ground egg shell in it. She's resting in the bathroom tonight. I'm going to give her another warm bath in the morning if she hasn't laid an egg yet. I hope that's all that's wrong and it gets resolved. She's one of our favorites!
Best of luck. I hope she passes it.
I read on Chicken Chick's site that the presence of a broody can encourage others to go broody. So far I have only one broody but this is the third day that I have only gotten 1 egg from the other 5 hens. Anybody else experience something like this?

On another note: This new advertising scheme for DBC Ag products is annoying

Yes - I have a pen of Silkies, one went broody but didn't know what she was doing for a couple of weeks, after she stuck for a week I tried to give her a couple of eggs and she moved off them so I stopped doing that, then a week later she suddenly figured it out. Within a few days she had collected 8 eggs (4 hens in this pen). She got up one day to eat and drink and another hen decided to "help" - at this point I have 3 hens sharing the incubating duties, so getting about zero production in there right now. It's okay, their eggs should start hatching in about another week :)
Hello. Been lurking for quite some time. Ran into a member,Minchi, and we got to talking. Thought I would come say hi and catch up a bit.

samsr I'm going to wait a few weeks, ruralmom is going to try hatching some of her Beltsville Whites and I'll buy some poults from her, just a matter of coordinating - long way away but we will try to meet in Denver I believe. If you want some as well, I would be glad to pick up whenever I pick mine up.
samsr I'm going to wait a few weeks, ruralmom is going to try hatching some of her Beltsville Whites and I'll buy some poults from her, just a matter of coordinating - long way away but we will try to meet in Denver I believe.  If you want some as well, I would be glad to pick up whenever I pick mine up.
I will definatly let you know. I am still trying to talk my better half into it. At this point i am over run with chicks and have 28 chicken eggs in the bator along with three goose eggs. I just cant seem to get rid of any and i am out of room. I think my neighbor and i will be constructing a grow out pen at his place. So we can process some later on this summer.

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