
Pretty boys, shy!

Mo, love the ad LOL

rbldude14 I agree with MtnMargie and Maggiemo. Search Craigslist for swaps, I think there's one this Saturday at Wardles, although I have no idea where that is, I've just heard about it, and I think also one in Fort Morgan the Colorado Poultry Association is hosting.

Prairie Fleur try posting a wanted ad on Denver Craigslist, never know.
Hi everyone! I'm new here and I'm looking for a nice Silver Laced Wyandotte roo and some pullets/hens. Anyone know of any? I'm also interested in a couple bantam Wyandottes. I'm from Kansas but there's Nothing out here!
We're coming to Denver this weekend and I'd love to bring home some chickens if possible.
Hi Prairie Fleur, I actually just saw this on craigslist right before I read your post:
Not sure about hens, but you can probably find something on craigslist with a bit of searching
Hi everyone! I'm new here and I'm looking for a nice Silver Laced Wyandotte roo and some pullets/hens. Anyone know of any? I'm also interested in a couple bantam Wyandottes. I'm from Kansas but there's Nothing out here! :( We're coming to Denver this weekend and I'd love to bring home some chickens if possible.

Hi Prairie Fleur
and WELCOME TO BYC! Hope you find what you're looking for.
The Wyandotte wanted add on CL is mine; no bites so far. I've done quite a bit of looking there and someone suggested that I look here when they didn't have what I wanted. Thanks for the welcome! I just got 3 BLR Wyandotte pullets and a roo and I'm looking for a flock of silver laced ones now. I LOVE my chickies!!!! :D
New to the thread. From the Broomfield area. Trying to figure out what to do with my two cockerels. I can not have them because of Broomfield ordinance. Anyone want them or know what to do with them. I wish I didn't have to get rid of them, they are starting to be a great alarm clock, but that is also the problem.

He's very beautiful. Looks a lot like my Wyandotte cockerel. I hope you can find a home for him.
Anyone need keets? Last night I noticed on of my lavender hens was missing. Found her. I counted 30 eggs. Probably more. Don't know how long she has been sitting. I have a mix of pearl, white and lavender. If anyone is interested, let me know. If they successfully hatch, I'll need to get rid of most of them.

Mine have returned to the coop they share with the hens almost every night. When it first got warm, they started roosted in the rafters of the barn but once I put a higher roost in the coop for them, they moved back in. They are noisiest right at dusk but once the settle down and it gets dark, I might hear the once or twice a night (usually coyote or my dog barking first). I'm hoping I get some pieds.

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