
Originally Posted by suncatcher

I have decided to downsize my layer flock, I have five hens for sale, Buff Orpingtons, RIR, Barnie cross,
So pretty all of them! Why are you downsize?

I have way to many laying hens right now......

Pozee, Not sure about the pictures????

I don't get on her often anymore, welcome to all the Newbies!!!
My runs are on hills, but I was thinking that maybe while fixing the runoff options you could also give them outdoor roosts, like a couple big logs or rocks or some such thing where they could be up out of the mud if they so choose. That way they can dry off their feet and clean up if they want. You could pretty easily make them an elevated play area.

That's a great idea! I have a whole pile of large rocks. I will bring them a couple and stack some for them.

DH just asked if I was going to Big R today. I asked why and he said, "barred rock chicks". I'm not sure I want another but he obviously does. I said I would ask DD if she wanted one and he replied, "or 4". So funny, he was the one that was ticked when I got the last 2 chicks, now he's telling me to get 4! So we might go down there and get him another barred rock, and maybe some EE's for us. ;)
Oh and is everyone else experience a ton of ear wigs this year?

Totally YES on the earwigs!!!!!!! I come out to find my butterfly bush with lacewing-like leaves and came in to the google...earwigs. I started opening leaves and there they were, then I checked the soil and yup, those transparent round eggs were everywhere. I hand picked and cleaned and pulled the plant away from the decking so they couldn't drop down in and I think I've cleaned them out. Then I watered a houseplant that lives outside in the summer and I'd stuck a silk rose in there of my mom's and that thing was home to several earwigs. Now they're cleaned out!!!! Did you know the mother earwig is the rare insect who tends her eggs, cleaning them to prevent fungal infections and protecting them like she actually cares about them? They're still gross. (beautiful tomatoes!!!!)
Marcia In Pinewood Springs (halfway between Lyons and Estes on Hwy 36)
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So... I went to Big R to get my husband a replacement BR and ended up coming home with 7 chicks. lol! (who's surprised? no one!)
These were from a mixed bin so breeds are strictly guesses:
2 BR?, 2 EE, 1 SS?, 1 SLW, and 1 unknown chipmunk. The SLW was a freebie from the straight run bin because the lady thought they looked cool and wanted to know what it was so she wants me to report back. I had never seen one with white shoulders before so I wasn't 100% sure it was a SLW so I just said ok. Who's going to turn down a free chick!? lol Hopefully it's a girl. I'm pretty sure it is because it has a flat comb with no ridges.
I looked up the hatchery these guys came from.
Choices for barred chickens: BR, Barred Leghorn (hadn't heard of this variety before), California Grey, and cuckoo maran
Choices for chipmunks: SS, LBL, Dark Cornish, golden lakenvelder, and silver leghorn

Nothing like getting over a pet by buying a bunch more! That brings our total to 25. That's a nice even #. ;)

Here's some quick pics.

EE #1 (Blossom) in the front, SS (Freckles) in the back

SS - Freckles

EE #1 (Blossom) with BR #1 (Peg) and SS in the back

EE #2 (Clover)

Unknown (Sweetie) - chipmunk, single comb, pink legs - maybe Leghorn?

EE #2 (Clover), BR #2 (Granite), and unknown (Sweetie). DD's 3 favorite

SLW - Poppy
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I think the unknown chipmunk is a GLW with a single comb. It's really the only thing that fits. I thought she looks like a wyandotte when I first saw her but the single comb threw me. After doing some reading I see a single comb is common in hatchery wyandottes. No showing her, but that's ok, DD is already in love. :)
My runs are on hills, but I was thinking that maybe while fixing the runoff options you could also give them outdoor roosts, like a couple big logs or rocks or some such thing where they could be up out of the mud if they so choose. That way they can dry off their feet and clean up if they want. You could pretty easily make them an elevated play area.

I forgot they already have a ladder roost in the run. They don't use it that much. I added a pallet to see if they like sitting on it, so far they have completely avoided it.
Rocks are such a pain to move. lol
Hi BYC-ers,

I have a few too many beautiful brahmas and am looking for homes near Northern Colorado area. I have a young ~10 week buff-laced cockerel (really nice!), and several younger gold laced chicks. Message me if you are interested please!
Hi BYC-ers,

I have a few too many beautiful brahmas and am looking for homes near Northern Colorado area. I have a young ~10 week buff-laced cockerel (really nice!), and several younger gold laced chicks. Message me if you are interested please!
Do you have any pics of what the young one might grow into?
Okay so question on hatching eggs (not incubators, but with a hen sitting on them). I got eggs from two members. The earliest egg was laid was the 19th and then the rest the next day up for a couple days. Anyways, she's been sitting on them faithfully and religiously and not moving unless I make her. We have not had any peeping/cracking or anything and we hit 21 days on Friday. Is this normal? Should I pull the eggs and candle them (I hadn't done that yet)?

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