
Can anyone tell me if there are ever chicks for sale at the stock show, or is it just a show event for the poultry. I've been a few times, but this is the first year I'm thinking, hmmm, I wonder if there will be chicks? :)
My BCM started back up. Here's to hoping the other 2 start soon!!
Ok gonna use this board to vent a little, last week sucked the big one. I rear ended someone last week and crunched my BF truck. He was not too happy about that, bent the bumper in. I wasn't injured just sore, the lady went to urgent care for a concussion and a neck injury, she is claiming. She also disclosed to me that she had just spent 8 months recovering from whiplash. The insurance company said his rates will go up, but I will pay the difference. The other thing I found out is I might be facing another surgery, this time for my wrist. Had MRI done of hand and neck due to pain and swelling in my right arm. The results are not good, have osteoarthritis in my thumb and the bones in my forearm didn't grow to same length, one bone is longer than the other and is pushing on other bones in my hand. I also have a tear in some ligaments as well. From what I have read the procedure I might have to go through is an Ulnar Shortening Osteotomy, basically they go in a shave down the longer bone or cut out a piece to make the bones the same length. I think then it is either a cast or pins and cage, inactivity for something like 6 weeks. I am in process of scheduling with four different hand surgeons to see what my options are. It is caused by several things, fracture in the growth plate of wrist and the bones don't grow evenly, undue load and pressure on wrists (such as gymnastics) and trauma's from falls. Well I have had all three of these things, plus a ski thumb injury and a green stick break to my forearm. Not sure how to deal with the news right now, just feel a bit discouraged.
If anyone is interested in the Poultry show at SS, it is the last Saturday (24th) at 9. There is also a ticketed draft horse show at 1. Not the best class lineup, ladies cart, 4 up gelding, middle weight pull, a feed team race plus a few others. Should be over by 3. Is it time for a major meetup?
Lovely BCM egg, I love the darker eggs in the laying basket, soooooo pretty!!!

Geez, sorry about your upcoming surgery, sucks if you have absoulutely have to have it!!

Has anyone been to the stock show and bought chickens aftr the show? I read on another thread there never is very many for sale, and the ones that are are VERY pricey????
@COchick I'm so sorry to hear about this week for you. I wish I had something more helpful than that but everything I come up with kinda sounds cliche? I think if you made it this far, you've got strength enough to carry you forward through anything. I hope the surgery goes well.

So, I've been researching incubators for next month after deciding not to try and build one (coops and brooders, I think I can manage, but incubators sound a lot more complex). Since we haven't been able to eat the eggs, I've been using them as practice to try and find the bullseye. I still can't tell the difference most the time, but I am pretty determined at this point to try hatching next month. Does anyone know if the mini Brinsea incubators any decent? I don't need a big one and I like that the Brinsea brands all seem automated and, in theory, good for someone like me who is away from the house at work 5 days a week. The amount of automation I want seems to have a huge price difference for the mini incubators from Brinsea, so I'm just curious if anyone has had any experience with them or if there's a better brand out there.

In a good news update and not another one of my dumb questions posts, Penelope seems in much better health but I have ordered some different dewormer to use in the future (along with some VetRx, just in case). It was a reasonable price for both but it did clean out my account until payday at the end of the month. Thank goodness for paid holiday leave! I did notice that because she was out of the flock for a few days recovering, she has fallen in the pecking order. Thankfully, none of the hens have been very hard on each other, but it was a change I noticed. She also has started following me around the run like my dogs follow me around everywhere else. Odysseus doesn't like that very much. The top two of the pecking order are now the egg layers (one of which had been laying eggs under the coop all week). I'm hoping that the other two hens will start laying so that I could try hatching one egg from each. I'm trying the golf ball in the nesting box trick this week.
Lovely BCM egg, I love the darker eggs in the laying basket, soooooo pretty!!!

Geez, sorry about your upcoming surgery, sucks if you have absoulutely have to have it!!

Has anyone been to the stock show and bought chickens aftr the show? I read on another thread there never is very many for sale, and the ones that are are VERY pricey????

I have only seen a couple chickens for sale there and I wouldn't have bought any of them, IMHO.

@COchick I'm so sorry to hear about this week for you. I wish I had something more helpful than that but everything I come up with kinda sounds cliche? I think if you made it this far, you've got strength enough to carry you forward through anything. I hope the surgery goes well.

So, I've been researching incubators for next month after deciding not to try and build one (coops and brooders, I think I can manage, but incubators sound a lot more complex). Since we haven't been able to eat the eggs, I've been using them as practice to try and find the bullseye. I still can't tell the difference most the time, but I am pretty determined at this point to try hatching next month. Does anyone know if the mini Brinsea incubators any decent? I don't need a big one and I like that the Brinsea brands all seem automated and, in theory, good for someone like me who is away from the house at work 5 days a week. The amount of automation I want seems to have a huge price difference for the mini incubators from Brinsea, so I'm just curious if anyone has had any experience with them or if there's a better brand out there.

In a good news update and not another one of my dumb questions posts, Penelope seems in much better health but I have ordered some different dewormer to use in the future (along with some VetRx, just in case). It was a reasonable price for both but it did clean out my account until payday at the end of the month. Thank goodness for paid holiday leave! I did notice that because she was out of the flock for a few days recovering, she has fallen in the pecking order. Thankfully, none of the hens have been very hard on each other, but it was a change I noticed. She also has started following me around the run like my dogs follow me around everywhere else. Odysseus doesn't like that very much. The top two of the pecking order are now the egg layers (one of which had been laying eggs under the coop all week). I'm hoping that the other two hens will start laying so that I could try hatching one egg from each. I'm trying the golf ball in the nesting box trick this week.

Sorry I don't have advice on different incubators, I built mine, but I know there's a lot of hatchers on this thread. I found the thread about hatching in high altitude interesting and might try some of the suggestions next time I hatch.
Some say the best first time incubator if you have the money is a Brinsea, I hear good things about it, also a HovaBator with the big windows and the built in temperature helps with those first starting out. I have a HovaBator, and have so so luck with it.........

Hmmm, interesting about the show birds for sale after the show!!

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