
Hello Colorado peeps! We just got our first chicks this weekend and finding it tough to get anything else done - other than chick-watching that is.

:welcome. How many chicks, breeds, we need the stats! Lol welcome to the family. So are you using a heat lamp? If so check out the link in my signature for Mama Heat Pad in the Brooder. I did one last year and had chicks outside by day 10. We should be hatching by this weekend and hoping to have chicks outside from the beginning after drying off. I will never use another heat lamp. Anyway, welcome we need some chick pics :pop


This might be a better picture of my largest ducks. The younger ones are hatches from a backyard mix. Which I think explains the usual coloring on 'Marble'

Gosh are they ever cute! Makes me want some ducks.
Welcome jayelle and kittles! Sounds like you all are having some fun.
I am on day 6 with my incubator and yes, we did lose power, but I had the wood stove going and an emergency blanket "cave" and when the DH got a marine battery + inverter + solar panel contraption hooked up for the long haul, my incubator was 99.4 degrees. So anyway, it all worked fine.
Enjoy the day!
Welcome  jayelle and kittles!   Sounds like you all are having some fun.
I am on day 6 with my incubator and yes, we did lose power, but I had the wood stove going and an emergency blanket "cave" and when the DH got a marine battery + inverter + solar panel contraption hooked up for the long haul, my incubator was 99.4 degrees.  So anyway, it all worked fine.
Enjoy the day!
are you in Teller county?
Welcome  jayelle and kittles!   Sounds like you all are having some fun.
I am on day 6 with my incubator and yes, we did lose power, but I had the wood stove going and an emergency blanket "cave" and when the DH got a marine battery + inverter + solar panel contraption hooked up for the long haul, my incubator was 99.4 degrees.  So anyway, it all worked fine.
Enjoy the day!

What's in the Bator? We are on day 18, will be candling soon. Lockdown tomorrow :weee
We have four chicks - a Red Star and a Black Star and two Ameraucana. They are roughly 1-2 weeks old. My husband built a very nice MHP from a design we saw on BYC. I wish I'd taken a pic of it before we gave it to the chicks. He did a great job on it, and they seem to like it. They spend very little time in it - but lots of time on top of it - as you can see from my profile pic!

The chicks are in the house for now, but we plan to put them out Saturday after this next storm passes through. We still need to finish up some bits on the coop, but my husband will take care of that this week while he's on spring break.
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Well lockdown is today, it's been a horrible hatch so far. Had a bad bator spike and lost 20 eggs before day 10. Candled last night, sadly it didn't get any better since then. 13 eggs going into lockdown, 7 BBS and 6 from @Percheron chick. The eggs from PC are two OE, two RO and two Welsummers. Don't have high hopes as half of the eggs in lockdown I couldn't see much when I candled. The OE eggs are a crap shoot at this point, can't tell squat. Little disheartening to spend the time and energy on this and this be the outcome thus far.

Moral of the story is don't count your chicks before hatched, I was hoping for big things from this hatch a replacement roo as well. Not sure any of it will pan out this year.
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