
Cathy aka Percheronchick brought 18 eggs over for my broody today!!!!
I was putting them under my broody and she (the broody, not Cathy!) kept scooping them under her with her wings and sitting down, then would look at me as if to say, 'give me more'. So I did.
I kept putting one or two down and she scooped them under her until all 18 were under her!

I am not sure if she should have that many, but she wanted them!
I came inside and Googled, " how many eggs can a broody hen hatch' and most articles said no more than 12. Should I take a few away from her?
She is covering all of them, easily...she is a naked neck.

Not much snow here, just wet and gloomy.
Happy Friday, margarita's are on me!
@Rock Home Isle
your chickies are growing fast. Watching little kids interact with birds can be so funny. My nephew loves my quail. The last time he came to visit one of them had just started crowing and did it a few times while they visited. My nephew got excited and said the quail remembered him and missed him. And the only one of my ducks he really cares about is Puddles. She's the one he named.

great photos! I love the second one of with the little chick butt as it flies off. Too funny.

the colors on your Polish are beautiful. Are you able to keep roosters?

I love the colors and that little puffy head. Adorable!

Sadly I cannot, but I will find a good home for one.
I would love to have a rooster and broody hens. I wish I lived out of the darn city. The hubby and I were talking about buying a peice of land in Crowly County for a summer home. That would be so darn awesome, I told him I might not come back. I really, with my whole heart, want goats and bees.
Love all the little ones people are posting. Some really nice looking babies!

I too am getting rather tired of all the cold weather. My kitchen looks like a rain forest with all the veggies and flowers waiting to go in the garden.

This was one bunch of flowers during the last storm.

Then they went to this when it all melted.

I really do not remember planting any of these lol. They are pretty though. They are apparently a color changing tulip as they are getting more orange by the day.

It is exasperating not being able to get out in the gardens without having to dress for cold wet weather.
The chickens are not all that pleased with it either. They complain loudly. I am pretty sure they just want to get out and into the gardens to remove all the mulch and plants possible.

They do say by next weekend we will be seeing the upper 70's so that will be nice.

I hope everyone is having a decent day!
@Rock Home Isle
your chickies are growing fast. Watching little kids interact with birds can be so funny. My nephew loves my quail. The last time he came to visit one of them had just started crowing and did it a few times while they visited. My nephew got excited and said the quail remembered him and missed him. And the only one of my ducks he really cares about is Puddles. She's the one he named.

great photos! I love the second one of with the little chick butt as it flies off. Too funny.

the colors on your Polish are beautiful. Are you able to keep roosters?

I love the colors and that little puffy head. Adorable!

That noggin is cracking me up. He's such a little Cheeto puff compared to the others, but that doesn't stop him from trying to be apart of the action!
Cathy aka Percheronchick brought 18 eggs over for my broody today!!!! 
I was putting them under my broody and she (the broody, not Cathy!) kept scooping them under her with her wings and sitting down, then would look at me as if to say, 'give me more'. So I did.
I kept putting one or two down and she scooped them under her until all 18 were  under her! :th
I am not sure if she should have that many, but she wanted them! 
I came inside and Googled, " how many eggs can a broody hen hatch' and most articles said no more than 12. Should I take a few away from her?
She is covering all of them, easily...she is a naked neck.

Not much snow here, just wet and gloomy. 
Happy Friday, margarita's are on me!
brooding and hatching are 2 different things. If she can cover them and they are all warm let her be. You'll pitch some at first candleing and be lucky to have 8 make it to the finish line. I gave my broody the 8 remaining eggs laid yesterday. Hopefully the ameraucana chicks show up in 3 weeks to have one batch of chicks.


All five chicks are getting along better than I thought they would, just because my luck has been really crummy lately. I'm extremely glad for that.


Nbr 1 still has a lot of white. I'm quiet partial to the penguin-like face.


Nbr 2 seems to growing out mostly black feathers now.


Nbr 3 has massive wings already.


Nbr 4 is still pretty scrawny but the one Finding Nemo wing seems to be growing out better than it seemed it would early on.


Nbr 5 just delights me. I almost wanted to stick a few more of my own flock's eggs in the incubator after seeing this one, but I think this was enough hatching for me for this year.


All five chicks are getting along better than I thought they would, just because my luck has been really crummy lately. I'm extremely glad for that.


Nbr 1 still has a lot of white. I'm quiet partial to the penguin-like face.


Nbr 2 seems to growing out mostly black feathers now.


Nbr 3 has massive wings already.


Nbr 4 is still pretty scrawny but the one Finding Nemo wing seems to be growing out better than it seemed it would early on.


Nbr 5 just delights me. I almost wanted to stick a few more of my own flock's eggs in the incubator after seeing this one, but I think this was enough hatching for me for this year.

I love your chicks!!
Last night was my son's prom. The group he us with came by the house twice last night to tell us how much fun they were having at dinner, and the dance, and after prom...once I'm woken from sleep it's very hard for me to get back to little to no sleep last night.

Today my daughter is running a marathon. We waited and saw her at Ted's Place, and again at the Laporte Junior High. Now we're at old town in Ft Collins waiting for her to finish. Rain and snow mix...I'm beat.

Tonight we have a birthday dinner for my mother-in-law, she just turned 70.

I'm exhausted ...I'm dying here :barnie

...sad to say...thanks for listening.

I did see this in cheezy little dive coffee shop in Laporte


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