
My polish are growning and growing. They are about 7 weeks now. Any guesses on gender?


Wish I could help, but so far I've only raised a pair of half polish & the male was already working on his crow by 7 weeks (he also had a decent comb growing in) & that made it easy to tell which was male & which was female.
My polish are growning and growing. They are about 7 weeks now. Any guesses on gender?

I'm going to say the top bird is a hen 95% sure at this age, and for the same reason I am going to say the bottom is a rooster. Can you get a body shot of the bottom bird standing, or at least where I can see the legs and tail feathers?
@Rock Home Isle your chickies are growing fast. Watching little kids interact with birds can be so funny. My nephew loves my quail. The last time he came to visit one of them had just started crowing and did it a few times while they visited. My nephew got excited and said the quail remembered him and missed him. And the only one of my ducks he really cares about is Puddles. She's the one he named.

@COChix great photos! I love the second one of with the little chick butt as it flies off. Too funny.

@madileana the colors on your Polish are beautiful. Are you able to keep roosters?

@uzisuzuki I love the colors and that little puffy head. Adorable!
@Rock Home Isle your chickies are growing fast. Watching little kids interact with birds can be so funny. My nephew loves my quail. The last time he came to visit one of them had just started crowing and did it a few times while they visited. My nephew got excited and said the quail remembered him and missed him. And the only one of my ducks he really cares about is Puddles. She's the one he named.
You've got post images of your quail...I would love to try someday to raise a covey of quail.

You are very correct....Kids and livestock are an amazing combination.

HEY...Enjoy this amazing weather.
Hi everyone!

We woke up to snow again up here. Wind and snow is on the agenda all weekend I believe. Oh boy!

I just put my quail on lockdown. Midnight will be the end of Day 15, and I still have 41 eggs in the incubator. We shall see how this goes, but I'm hoping for more littles by early next week!

Hopefully everybody is faring the spring weather okay!
Snowing pretty steady here as well, temp hovering right at or a little above freezing. The snow is sticking to the grass and above ground objects (like my truck), but the roads so far are just wet. Supposed to be like this right through till Monday. Of course, the last time I filled my waterers I removed the heating elements... I think they'll be OK as it's not supposed to get much colder than right now. Hope everyone is faring as well.

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