
I need help. I've been trying to find a home for my Silver Lace Wyandotte roo . So far no luck. Who on the northern front range can I take him to for processing? I'm in Longmont and feel bad I didn't have a roo plan in place but never intended on getting another chick because I can only have 4 and I had 4.

I think @kellywags mentioned them too but I have heard Wardle Feed in Wheat Ridge will take roosters. Not sure what they do with them?

I've also wondered about local processors, a shame it sounds like they are so hard to find! Probably not much money in poultry vs large game. I would like to think if I got stuck in that situation I could do it myself but I have never tried.
I called Wardles and the person I talked to said they charge $10 to take roosters. Their ad on craigslist says they pay $5, the person I talked to didn't know about the ad.

I didn't ask what they do with them.
Interesting, yes it says on their website they will buy your rooster for $5...

I bought my chicks from them this spring and they said that people were catching on to the rooster reimbursement and they stopped it, feeling that many people never bought chicks from them but wanting cash for roosters. So yes, I believe only Thursday's and a $10 fee for the rooster. If they can't find a home for him he goes back to the "farm"
I see your handsome cockerels COChix and am sad that I am not allowed a roo. Yours are super handsome and would be a grand addition to a flock. The colors you ended up with in them is quite nice. I sure hope someone that can take them in comes along. (unless I got that wrong and you are keeping them now)

Well we are kinda going back and forth about if we will keep a few birds in Boulder with a roo. We have an add up in CL or we will process them. we are going to try something different with them, per some suggestions from others. We are going to give the roo's the run of the property, hoping that based on instinct they come back to the run for roosting. Multiple people on another thread, report that after hatching, they always have their cockerels free range the property and they come back for roosting. They do this until fall after they have had time to fatten up, then they process. We will try it and see how it goes, as they currently roost in the run instead of their little coop. We are then going to be moving some 1 year olds back to Boulder and integrating them with the flock. We will then see how the roo's shake out and if there is one that we want to keep for the flock. I am sure one of them will be a keeper. So things are continually changing for us and we are trying to be flexible and just go with the flow. I didn't like the fact that our flock who was use to free ranging prior to being moved, now doesn't have the ability for free ranging. That was making feel sad and guilty. If we do that and split our flocks we will have 7 hens in Englewood (2-3 years old) and 10 hens in Boulder and four roosters. I think that will be better for space issues. The other thing we will have to do now, is train the birds in Englewood how to use the rat proof feeder. Good thing we got two of them, we will start that process soon, get the girls trained before moving them.

Did the people who called for the rooster on craiglist show up and take the roo? I have horrible luck with no shows on craigslist. 

True dat!

They came, only 45 min late!

You got lucky....

I bought my chicks from them this spring and they said that people were catching on to the rooster reimbursement and they stopped it, feeling that many people never bought chicks from them but wanting cash for roosters. So yes, I believe only Thursday's and a $10 fee for the rooster. If they can't find a home for him he goes back to the "farm"

Kelly is right, I posted the Wardle info about them buying roosters a a few pages back. They only due it on Thursday, if it is a breed that is coveted it goes to someone that wants that breed, if they can't find a home they go to a farm. They charge $10 for taking your roo's off your hands.

I figured it was something like that. It did seem too good to be true.

I guess I need to try craigslist first. 

We have an add on CL and I tell you people are pretty flaky on CL. One guy wanted the roo's said he was going to be using them for breeding, but low balled us and offered $5 a bird, our add say $10 each. I told him no, the cost of hatching, raising them and our time and energy was worth more than $5 a bird. Especially when we can just hang onto them for a bit and process them ourselves if we so choose. So I countered at $8 a bird, he said sure. Then flaked out about having to pick them up.

Another CL story - a couple who I went back and forth with about our hens, they wanted 3-4. I sent them pictures and such, they asked if they could stop by on the 4th. I didn't mind as I was home smoking a pork butt so it wasn't a biggie, told them to let me know. Don't hear from them for hours, then I get a text stating they are on their way, if that is ok. I asked how far out and they say 15 minutes. Fine, what was I going to say no? I was home, so I entertained them. They viewed the birds, held them and then wanted to come back that night and pick them up. They didn't have a container and we're going to fireworks shows, so they asked if they could do it the next day. I said no problem, they said the would contact me in the am, never heard from them again.
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