
Snapped a quick photo...

Greetings fellow fowl mouthed Colorado members! Jacob and his pot bellied pig, Chutney, here. Recently brought home 2 Polish (no names....yet), and a Sussex, Cesar, to live with us and keep the whole 'urban farm' wheel a rollin! Super excited and love all the awesome info and OOL (oink out loud
) comments we've read so far! Keep em' coming!
So, our 17 chicks are out of the house, and into the barn. We do like the effect being in the house for a couple weeks has on them, but I can only take it for so long. Noisy little buggars woke me up almost every day, the second a tiny bit of light was coming in.
I honestly think 17 is way too many..7 Speckled Sussex, 5 EE and 5 cinnamon queens. They're from cackle, and they sent two extra Sussex, which was the breed I was most excited about, so that was nice of them. Anyways, husband just loves have a big flock, and convinced me not to get rid of two of each, which had been my plan. It's ok, a lot of the people at his squadron are excited about fresh eggs again, as am I and our whole family. I must have 200 egg cartons, my in-laws just saved all they could...willing me to get more chickies.
There is one "person" sad to see the babies have left...

I swear, he moped all day yesterday...
Set 6 Sebastopol eggs last night. The oldest egg was 2 weeks old so I was very anxious to get them going. Found another one this AM and she's redecorating the nest right now acting like 8 is on the way. Hopefully the first eggs are fertile as they would be a huge boost in quality.

If anyone has extra eggs instead of feeding them back to the chickens or the dogs, consider donating them to your local food bank. I volunteer at Harvest of Hope in Boulder and manage to donate about 20 dozen a month after paying customers and family are taken care of. They give me all the compost in exchange. Eggs are such a basic staple but something I rarely see donated. I also picked up new customers with the other volunteers which is always good.
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PC! Good to know you got the eggs in the bater!
I know we all are going to be hoping for a grand hatch!

I need to find a food bank near me that will accept backyard eggs. When I had inquired I was told that since I was not USDA inspected they could not accept any. Bummed me out a bit.

I did sell out of eggs this week. But then I have chicks with Bitty and some in the brooder and some on the way.......:oops: I may have some sort of addiction.
When I first asked HOH they were??? After asking around they finally said it's fine that they just needed to be washed. I normally do not so I just wash the donated ones. They also take duck eggs and homegrown veggies so maybe they are a little more lax them others. You should also have a church kitchen or two who feed the homeless, meals on wheels (if the Donald... wait, no don't go there..) who would appreciate the donation. I can ask tomorrow.

Easier to donate than thin the flock.
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With our last flock, we donated hard boiled eggs to a church group that takes food to the homeless once a month. We got lucky, and someone that works with my husband was part of the group, and they asked if we'd like to donate. I ended up donating four or five dozen each time.
I would love to be able to donate rather then thin the flock at all. I never keep any eggs that are over a week old even though I KNOW they still have a very long fridge life. It would be nice to be able to donate on Mondays any that I still have from Sunday sell day.

I was a bit offended when my beautiful eggs were not wanted yet a week later I saw a poster asking for extra produce. Produce that I would be using chicken compost to grow.
I was like "Oh so the eggs are not good enough but the poop is???".

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