
Sorry @GJ_Kate I'm no help either. I only have mixed breed fertile chicken eggs. Though they would be called EEs and OEs since they would all lay blue, green, or olive eggs.

I've got a big batch in the incubator right now for the Easter HOL. I know from my candling last week that at least a few of them are fertile and developing. I'll be candling again tomorrow. I hope to be able to see something in the dark brown eggs. :fl

My quail have started laying but aren't up to regular speed. I think they are still stressed from being in the barn. They were so used to having a huge place to run around and now are stuck in a small cage. I managed to get the tarp from their run back in place but half of one side was ripped. I ordered some tarp tape and grommets in hopes that I can fix it instead of having to replace it. They should come today so it's on the agenda for the weekend. I also have to figure out how to fix the entrance panel. The wind not only pulled the section of chain-link fence up it also broke all the welded corners. I have a plan to replace it though and reinforce it so hopefully it won't happen again. I'm hoping the quail will increase their laying once settled again so I can put a big batch of eggs in the incubator.
Hi, I also live in Colorado in El Paso County. All my friends were surprised that i live in county limits but in the middle of Colorado Springs. :). It’s nice, if my neighbors don’t mind I can have as many chickens as I want. And the next door neighbor say they like the rooster!
Thanks y’all. I’m still pretty bummed out. I almost pulled out the incubator to make myself feel better! My TBI must be getting better because I stopped myself. :)
Good morning.. (sad one) We lost our favorite silkie hen overnight. We still have another black silkie, but are in search of a new silkie hen to be her new buddy.
Any tips on birds would be appreciated
Hello Coloradans! I'm in Leadville and just bought 10 baby chicks from TSC the past 2 weeks: 4 Buff Orpingtons, 3 Black sex linked, and 3 barred rock. We are going to build a 4x8 coop and large run soon and I'm going back and forth between a dirt floor or wood floor. We are planning on doing the deep litter method in the coop either way. Any advice from fellow Colorado chicken keepers is greatly appreciated! :) A little info on the coop area, it will be in the NE corner of our property under a large spruce tree, so it stays relatively dry even during the winter months. Monsoon season in July/Aug is my only concern, but even then the ground dries pretty fast.

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