
Thanks WS and Wife. Yes, I'm familiar with that diet but he already has so many restrictions (no wheat, corn, soy, cashews, peanuts ... on and on) that I just can't do that to him. He feels so left out of life as it is. Once we get stabilized, I'll find something non-prescriptive to try.
Hope things stabilize and work out.

My wife has stage 4 metastatic Breast Cancer. 8 years now. She has had 8 or 9 major surgeries connected to the cancer. She has treatments every other week now, but the treatments appear to be doing some good.
. People ask her when she is done with chemo. She says "when it doesn't work any more". Most people look at her with a stupid look and then realize what she really said. I sympathize with all those who deal with chronic illness, both as the patient and as caregiver. I think the worst thing for me as a caregiver isn't that my wife will someday succomb to cancer, but that there isn't anything i can do about it and her discomfort. We are getting the chickens for her as much as for the eggs and the meat. They will give her something to keep her busy and a sense of accomplishment, as well as daily chores that get her out of the house even for a while.

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WS: so sorry to hear about your wife. Sending healing thoughts your way.

I understand about using the chickens as therapy. My son says he doesn't care for the chickens, but he sure does like to cuddle his favorites! Especially the silkies and other bantams.

Took this pic this morning (the lady from the foundation that's giving us a partial grant for the puppy needs it for promotion or something). Ain't he cute!!
Hugs to you all

We have dealt with my sons uncontrolled "seizure disorder" for 11 years now. Doctors at Children's tried every med available, a Corpus Callusotomy (sp), a VNS, and none of it has worked. The last thing the Neuro doc told us at Childrens was "There is nothing more we can do for him and if he keeps having these severe seizures, they will kill him" Thanks doc. I walked out of there numb and in shock. We've changed doctors this last year and escaped Childrens. Which several families are trying to do. But increasing the meds which is what this doc is doing hasn't helped. We know in our hearts that the first doctor is right but it's a heartbreaking pill to swallow.
Nice! Aren't Doctors great?

Beth has actually had a few good ones. There was this one however...... When we found out that the cancer had come back with a vengence, he just sat there and then said, "Well, there's no standard treatment. We'll try other things until it kills you". She changed doctors. Her current one, Dr Marcus is AWESOME! he has tried several different things, knowing that at this point it is all a gamble, but has found a treatment that has actually shrunken the tumors in her lungs to the point that they cant be seen on the scans, and the tumors in her bones show improvement. One of her prior doctors had her on a medication that was known to cause liver damage, and has since been pulled and is no longer approved for breast cancer treatment, but her liver is full of cirossis (sp) and is watched constantly to assure it is still functioning. Throughout all that she remains upbeat most of the time and still gives me crap!

Here's the thing about knowledge of what will happen: Beth says that she is lucky, most people don't know what will get them....... Now she knows, and she can plan accordingly. We live our lives from one event till the next. Future plans are a huge part of surviving. This chicken project involves both of us and we are both part of the planning of it. She has something to look forward to, and be part of. Even if she doesn't see the results, (which we think she will) it is hers as well and she can gain satisfaction from the effort. We look forward to and celebrate every birthday, anniversary holiday, etc. Everything takes on renewed importance. We look forward to seeing grandkids someday (if only our oldest son in the AF could find a nice girl in Great Falls....
, future weddings, graduations etc. We usually don't plan more than a couple of years into the futre, and make our short term plans based on semi-annual scan results.
We definitely need to talk. Need to hook you up with the foundation that's helping me. They also grant out emfit monitors to detect seizures while the person is in bed. And the woman who runs it lost her child to seizures. She would be a great source of info for you.

There's a pretty decent neuro in Children's at Parker ... Brad Miller. Gets along well with kids.

Waiting ...
Finally summer!!! Now if this wind would pipe down so my chickies don't end up on the front range with all of you!!! I have a BUNCH of gardening that needs to be done!

A few months ago, I got 4 of Aussieheelrs BCMs to hatch. Unfortunately I'm pretty sure all 4 are males! Anyone have any to sell or trade? Hubby actually gave his blessing and told me to "order" some! WHOA!

Also anyone interested in Bourbon Red poults? I have several and I posted them (and a few extra EE pullets) on CL over here, and the wierd thing is I've only gotten responses on my EEs! WAS NOT expecting that! I figured with all the problems that the big hatcheries had with BR's this year, they'd sell like hotcakes! Oh well. We'll have lots of fall and winter turkey dinners, I guess.

Hope everyone is having a great spring/summer now that its warming up!!

PS - I got a job! I had been cut by our school district (2nd year teacher), but I just got offered (TODAY!) a 1st grade position at a great charter school!!! WooHoo! Celebrating with a Mike's Hard Lemonade, a pedicure and shopping for BCM chickies!!

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