
I will be for next year! I already have 3 BBB that are close to two months old and that was the latest and only kind of turkey poults I could get from Murdoch's.
My turkeys are for the Holiday Dinner plate and I am trying to slow their growth down a bit so they will be comfortable/ happy out to the 6 month range.

I also have a "believe it or not" sweet and quieter White Chinese gander looking for a home. I think he is lonely for some goose friends. We got rid of his very mean and noisy pal.
The turkey and chicken friends are tolerated, but not loved by him. Any takers? (My son would like him to not be for dinner!)

I'll try to remember to post on here for next year, but if not, I list on the Western Slope Craigslist. We usually make a trip or two over to the east slope during the summer/spring.

Just wondering if anyone knows what day chicks arrive from MPC in Denver - mine are coming next week and I'm wondering if I should expect them on Wednesday or Thursday? Tuesday seems pretty quick.

No, I don't live in Hanover, I live east across I 25 from the racetrack and my backyard borders on Fountain creek. I actually met your husband a couple of times - talking to him about trailers. You guys have a very nice business and it appears to be growing!

I think I am pretty close to both you and WSmith.

I am trying to think which water tanks WSmith is talking about when he says he lives right about there.... can you see them from the highway?
No, you cant see our tank from the freeway. Take 122, and go up the "new road" towards all the houses up on the hill. Most people dont know there are so many up there. From there you can see the water tank. We are near the top of the hill near Ft Carson's east fence.
Do your kids go to Hanover? We only have one left in school, and she will be a sophomore next year.
I was unable to do much this week on the chicken houses due to some medical stuff. YUCK! I'm ready to start the third small house next week. About half of the wood is "re-purposed". The frames are done with new wood though, because the other stuff is somewhat less than straight......
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Hi Kate!

If you still have any turkey poults available, I'll be making a trip to the Western Slope at some point next week and would love to buy some turkeys! My email is [email protected]. Thank you!

I've got a couple of Bourbon/Midge White cross turkeys if anyone wants them. Special pricing of 7 dollars apiece for BYC'ers. These babies are 6 weeks old and beautiful, beautiful birds but we don't want anything other than purebred turks here.
Ok, I know where you are. Those new homes up there behind the racetrack. You have some nice views. We drove around up there looking around when we were thinking of moving to this area.

My kids are in college, but the kids around me go to Fountain/Ft Carson schools.

Thats a good deal you are using wood that you didn't have to buy at Lowes.
My chicken houses are pretty much up, but I don't have as big a run as you are planning - they just run around on our property and come home at night. They are on their own, I figure.
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Hello everyone, I have a question for you gardeners..
Does anyone have horseradish or comfrey they would be willing to part with?
Maybe some rhubarb since I seem to be the only person I know who can kill it? lol It was growing in the back yard last year when I moved in and this year... Nada!

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