
Snow Sculpture Contest in Breckenridge, Colorado:












































Perhaps that should have been posted elswhere, sorry. Just got some bad news and lost it temporarily. It was odd, though, that I happen to be from Breck. The moment I changed my avatar - this email popped up from a a buddy in North Carolina. Will get to you whith - hopefully - the rest of the hatches tomorrow. Goodnight and thank you for helping me keep my sanity. Preston
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Hahahaha.... Great giggle for the end of a busy day. So happy everyone is safe.



So here is a bit of a funny story that I thought I would share.
Last night my wife and I went to a friends house to pick up three unwanted ducks. They has a male and female Kakki cambel and a white pekin. They are pretty ducks but a terrible mess as we found out on the way home. We had placed them in a breakdown dog crate.The poor female got chased around the crate, got cornered and covered quite a few time. I really fely bad for her. The stench from the poo was horrible by the time we reached the house. 9 miles away. Did I mention this was a new vehicle that we have had since Saturday. There were feathers and poo splattered everywhere. Lesson learned. I placed them in their run, gave them food and water and we went to dinner. Our house is right next to Fountain creek. The creek runs right through the property. This will be relevant shortly.
The following day, today. I get a call from my wife asking me if I am sitting down. My kids had let the ducks out along with the chickens. The ducks saw water and there was no stopping them. This would be like trying to stop a kid from eating candy while they were placed on top of a pile of jelly beans. Away to the creek they went. I came home to see them frolicking in the creek as ducks do. This was probably the happiest moment of their lives as they had been confined to a backyard with a kiddie pool. Luckily they were not too far away, only about 100 yards down the creek. I put my waders on and walked past them on the bank next to the creek and dropped in. I then proceded to chase them up the creek next to the bank, splashing all the way. I shouldn’t have put waders on. The left boot filled up with water and all hopes of staying dry soon faded. I chased them about 100 yards along the creek edge until they got tired.( I knew it was either them or me that was going to get tired first and I was hoping it was going to be them). They just are not in as good of shape as wild ducks are. Thank goodness. I reached down and started to pick them up one by one. There is nothing quite like picking up a wiggling, wet, muddy duck up and trying to hold on to three at the same time and climbing up a 25 foot steep hillside loaded with large concrete pieces. I am sure my wife was LHAO as I crested the top.
By the time I was done, I was hot, wet and muddy and winded. The kids were happy but the ducks were not.
The lessons to be learned from this story are;
1. No ducks in the new vehicle.
2. No waders or chest waders are perfered
3. put a lock on their run so kids cant let them out
4. I must get in better shape
5. wear a rain coat while carrying 3 ducks
6. Walk up the trail that I built for just suck an occasion
7. Maybe I should stop answering my phone. LOL
Lots of lessons to be learned this morning.
Anyone want some ducks???
O man. Well my wife finally is giving this whole 'chicken thing' a go. We looked at pictures online for a while and she decided she wants a gold spangled hamburg...does anyone one know where to get some hatching eggs? I hear this breed is very rare.. She also wants a Cochin. This one is more easily obtained I think.. Any one have one that is about 6-7 weeks old by chance?

Samsr: I can just see it all now!! You know those ducks are going to do it again too...
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O man. Well my wife finally is giving this whole 'chicken thing' a go. We looked at pictures online for a while and she decided she wants a gold spangled hamburg...does anyone one know where to get some hatching eggs? I hear this breed is very rare.. She also wants a Cochin. This one is more easily obtained I think.. Any one have one that is about 6-7 weeks old by chance?

Samsr: I can just see it all now!! You know those ducks are going to do it again too...

I have some bantam cochins that are 9 weeks old. I got my little hamburgs at the murdochs in longmont. I've got two gold penciled hamburgs that have the wrong combs if you're interested.
So here is a bit of a funny story that I thought I would share.
Last night my wife and I went to a friends house to pick up three unwanted ducks. They has a male and female Kakki cambel and a white pekin. They are pretty ducks but a terrible mess as we found out on the way home. We had placed them in a breakdown dog crate.The poor female got chased around the crate, got cornered and covered quite a few time. I really fely bad for her. The stench from the poo was horrible by the time we reached the house. 9 miles away. Did I mention this was a new vehicle that we have had since Saturday. There were feathers and poo splattered everywhere. Lesson learned. I placed them in their run, gave them food and water and we went to dinner. Our house is right next to Fountain creek. The creek runs right through the property. This will be relevant shortly.
The following day, today. I get a call from my wife asking me if I am sitting down. My kids had let the ducks out along with the chickens. The ducks saw water and there was no stopping them. This would be like trying to stop a kid from eating candy while they were placed on top of a pile of jelly beans. Away to the creek they went. I came home to see them frolicking in the creek as ducks do. This was probably the happiest moment of their lives as they had been confined to a backyard with a kiddie pool. Luckily they were not too far away, only about 100 yards down the creek. I put my waders on and walked past them on the bank next to the creek and dropped in. I then proceded to chase them up the creek next to the bank, splashing all the way. I shouldn’t have put waders on. The left boot filled up with water and all hopes of staying dry soon faded. I chased them about 100 yards along the creek edge until they got tired.( I knew it was either them or me that was going to get tired first and I was hoping it was going to be them). They just are not in as good of shape as wild ducks are. Thank goodness. I reached down and started to pick them up one by one. There is nothing quite like picking up a wiggling, wet, muddy duck up and trying to hold on to three at the same time and climbing up a 25 foot steep hillside loaded with large concrete pieces. I am sure my wife was LHAO as I crested the top.
By the time I was done, I was hot, wet and muddy and winded. The kids were happy but the ducks were not.
The lessons to be learned from this story are;
1. No ducks in the new vehicle.
2. No waders or chest waders are perfered
3. put a lock on their run so kids cant let them out
4. I must get in better shape
5. wear a rain coat while carrying 3 ducks
6. Walk up the trail that I built for just suck an occasion
7. Maybe I should stop answering my phone. LOL
Lots of lessons to be learned this morning.
Anyone want some ducks???
Worms in chickens - possible at any age just like puppies and kittens, although I have no personal experience with it. The natural treatment is ground raw pumpkin seed mixed into something they will eat, like yogurt. I use this as a preventative once or twice a month. Some of the chemical wormers can be used on poultry but I am not sure which ones, hopefully you will get sound advice on your thread.

samsr, what I wouldn't give for film of that event LOL. I am sure laws prohibit it, but it would be so great if you could fence a section of the creek so they could use it. They must have thought they were in heaven!

Preston, hope everything is okay.

Have a Ron Fogle RIR egg that pipped last night and isn't budging, a Blue Cochin hatched and another half zipped. Today is day 21.

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