
Ok. If these girls continue to be so loud today, I may be having fried chicken for dinner! Not sure what their problem is. No eggs, just a lot of LOUD squawking. Neighbors are going to hear them for sure!

i've been having that problem for weeks now! I actually took the black sex link and separated her for a little while this morning. She instigates all the squawking!
If you are able to integrate in a run you can observe how they interact, I would think in just a few days; let them out together and have treats so they are eating together - one of the most basic integration techniques in the animal/poultry world. Failing that, set the wire up so it can be removed with minimal effort, wait for them to go to bed, then take it down while it's mainly dark in the coop. When they wake up they probably won't even notice the divider is gone, or remember it was there.
Hum...Thanks for the input. Gave me something to mull over.
Well, the unbelievable happened. I've been collecting more bantam cochins eggs to incubate, writing dates on them, hen that laid them etc. They were on my kitchen counter waiting to collect enough to put in the incubator. I came home yesterday afternoon to an empty basket. I asked DH, where are my cochin eggs? What eggs he asks? The ones in the basket, I say. He says, oh I made eggs for breakfast.
Now mind you, I've been attempting to hatch eggs for a month and a half already and leaving the eggs there with no problem. And I also currently have approximately 11 dozen eggs in cartons in the refrigerator that I will be selling. Guess I have all 11 dozen to sell now since none of those got eaten. Back to square one with my cochin hatching.

How frustrating!!!! At least you can hope he learned his lesson!!

I mentioned this on the FB group, but I don't think I mentioned it here....

Candled the shipped eggs yesterday, and though technically only day 6, 47 out of 48 show signs of development. !!!!!!


I hope we get a good hatch. We know that a lot can happen, but so far this if the best candling we have had.

The babies arrived this morning!! Plus about 15 red star males, for warmth. SO our order of 28 (between the two of us) turned into about 44..... (including a feather-shanked "rare bird'). No dead chicks when we picked them up (we left all the kids home together, when my fried and I picked the chicks up this morning, just in case). We took them to her house first, to divvy them up, and let the kids see them, then grabbed my chicks, my kids, and came home to settle them into the guest bathroom.

All appear very healthy, and active. They all took to food and water immediately, and love their "Mama" (Brinsea brooder). After the first half hour, the "sorting" started (pecking order). Their little personalities are pretty clear already, and several have been named (not the boys... they will be heading to freezer camp eventually... though one is a bully, and the kids named him Malfoy)

The brooder warmer really CAN handle 20 chicks - they are all huddled under there just fine...

Unfortunately, between Online School connectivity issues (we home school through a virtual academy), and new babies.... my girls aren't getting much work done today. But at least my toddler hasn't eaten a chick yet.....
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The babies arrived this morning!! Plus about 15 red star males, for warmth. SO our order of 28 (between the two of us) turned into about 44..... (including a feather-shanked "rare bird'). No dead chicks when we picked them up (we left all the kids home together, when my fried and I picked the chicks up this morning, just in case). We took them to her house first, to divvy them up, and let the kids see them, then grabbed my chicks, my kids, and came home to settle them into the guest bathroom.

All appear very healthy, and active. They all took to food and water immediately, and love their "Mama" (Brinsea brooder). After the first half hour, the "sorting" started (pecking order). Their little personalities are pretty clear already, and several have been named (not the boys... they will be heading to freezer camp eventually... though one is a bully, and the kids named him Malfoy)

The brooder warmer really CAN handle 20 chicks - they are all huddled under there just fine...

Unfortunately, between Online School connectivity issues (we home school through a virtual academy), and new babies.... my girls aren't getting much work done today. But at least my toddler hasn't eaten a chick yet.....
Great pictures and I am glad they made it there all right. I love your comment about your toddler!
I mentioned this on the FB group, but I don't think I mentioned it here....

Candled the shipped eggs yesterday, and though technically only day 6, 47 out of 48 show signs of development. !!!!!!


I hope we get a good hatch. We know that a lot can happen, but so far this if the best candling we have had.

Where did you get your shipped eggs from? This was my first experience using MyPetChickens for fertile hatching eggs. I must say, after spending $50 on a dozen eggs, that I am highly disappointed with the quality of the eggs. All of the eggs were so porous, I thought I was looking at a piece of pumice. I went ahead and put them into the incubator because I had a batch of copper marans that I got locally. I must say though, that I am not very optimistic about any of them hatching.

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