
We stick lawn chairs up there and watch the traffic lights change at night. You can see all the way from Denver to CO. Springs, so July 4Th is quite a show. It's already sounding like another party in the making...
I tried to reply to an earlier post but im not sure how to quote people. Sorry. Newb here.

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Hey all!

I am new here, we are trying to start our small flock in highlands ranch. Preparing to submit our coop plans for approval. Anyone done this here before who knows how long the approval process is? Or pics of coops that were approved?
I would also love to know if there are some local breeders that I could purchase chicks from? Lots of questions and I am sure to have more. Thank in advance for any help you can offer!:)
Hey all!

I am new here, we are trying to start our small flock in highlands ranch. Preparing to submit our coop plans for approval. Anyone done this here before who knows how long the approval process is? Or pics of coops that were approved?
I would also love to know if there are some local breeders that I could purchase chicks from? Lots of questions and I am sure to have more. Thank in advance for any help you can offer!
Welcome! There are several people on here who live in HR. You can do a search by clicking on "search this thread", just type in Highlands Ranch! Good luck on getting your coop approved, and finding the chickens you want to raise and keep.
We stick lawn chairs up there and watch the traffic lights change at night. You can see all the way from Denver to CO. Springs, so July 4Th is quite a show. It's already sounding like another party in the making...

That sounds wonderful - how nice that the entertainment is so much better at home than elsewhere :) Daylight you have chickens, nighttime the stars - and a couple of times a year, fireworks!
Yesterday evening it was starting to sprinkle. which later turned into rain, so I went out to make sure the juvenile Narragansett turkeys weren't being stupid, and were inside the coop with the hens.

They weren't, so I went in and they followed me.

It was a nice evening, so I first sat on the low roost and just watched. It is my opinion that poults are naturally ADHD. They wandered around, flew/jumped up onto the low roost, then onto the nest boxes perch, then onto the high roost and back down to the ground. This happened a couple of times.

Then they realized that 4 of our EEs were up in the rafters of the hen house. Hmmm. this is where I want to be they are thinking. So they go around and around, trying to figure out how to get up there. They are soon on the sloped roof over the nest boxes, and taking monumental flying leaps towards the rafters. Nope, they are still too small to get up there, though they got within about a foot. Each time they would come crashing down and take a minute or two to regather their senses (what little they have) and try again.

I have now moved and am leaning on the higher roosts watching the spectacle. One of them sees me and gets an idea. (you can actually see the lightbulb, however dim, come on in their turkey heads) He goes to the lower roost and flies up to my arms which are crossed. Then he decides that he needs to be on my head, and from there try for the rafters. Not gonna happen says I. No turkey is using my head as a launching pad. So I move over to the far wall and lean there. The other two are still thinking they can make it from the top of the nest boxes, but this one is determined. He gets up on the higher roosts where the hens are. They haven't allowed the poults to roost with them, as they haven't earned their spots in the pecking order yet. So this one poult side slides / walks closer and closer to the hens so he can (he thinks) fly to my head and then try for the rafters. He makes an attempt which I don't allow, and he lands on the floor. By this time is is almost dark, so they all give up. they ended up roosting on the nest boxes perch, across the hen house from the hens. Too funny. Its like watching ADD kids try not to go to bed.
Yesterday evening it was starting to sprinkle. which later turned into rain, so I went out to make sure the juvenile Narragansett turkeys weren't being stupid, and were inside the coop with the hens.

They weren't, so I went in and they followed me.

It was a nice evening, so I first sat on the low roost and just watched. It is my opinion that poults are naturally ADHD. They wandered around, flew/jumped up onto the low roost, then onto the nest boxes perch, then onto the high roost and back down to the ground. This happened a couple of times.

Then they realized that 4 of our EEs were up in the rafters of the hen house. Hmmm. this is where I want to be they are thinking. So they go around and around, trying to figure out how to get up there. They are soon on the sloped roof over the nest boxes, and taking monumental flying leaps towards the rafters. Nope, they are still too small to get up there, though they got within about a foot. Each time they would come crashing down and take a minute or two to regather their senses (what little they have) and try again.

I have now moved and am leaning on the higher roosts watching the spectacle. One of them sees me and gets an idea. (you can actually see the lightbulb, however dim, come on in their turkey heads) He goes to the lower roost and flies up to my arms which are crossed. Then he decides that he needs to be on my head, and from there try for the rafters. Not gonna happen says I. No turkey is using my head as a launching pad. So I move over to the far wall and lean there. The other two are still thinking they can make it from the top of the nest boxes, but this one is determined. He gets up on the higher roosts where the hens are. They haven't allowed the poults to roost with them, as they haven't earned their spots in the pecking order yet. So this one poult side slides / walks closer and closer to the hens so he can (he thinks) fly to my head and then try for the rafters. He makes an attempt which I don't allow, and he lands on the floor. By this time is is almost dark, so they all give up. they ended up roosting on the nest boxes perch, across the hen house from the hens. Too funny. Its like watching ADD kids try not to go to bed.
What?! No video? Wendell you should know that video of such a comical event (like the dim bulb trying to shine bright) is a must.
How fun our feather kids are and lighten the mental load when we need it.
I am so over snow!

Hey all!

I am new here, we are trying to start our small flock in highlands ranch. Preparing to submit our coop plans for approval. Anyone done this here before who knows how long the approval process is? Or pics of coops that were approved?
I would also love to know if there are some local breeders that I could purchase chicks from? Lots of questions and I am sure to have more. Thank in advance for any help you can offer!
Unfortunately, I don't know anything of the likes but I'm sure there are plenty here who do. Good luck.

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