
Hi everyone. I have a friend with a broody hen and she wants some guinea hen eggs to hatch out. I said I would ask here if anyone has any?
Also, I think I have a broody. I am hoping that the order from Duane Urch comes this week
. If not, Mayah, or anyone, do you have any olive egger eggs or chicks about to hatch?
If not, what does anyone have hatching in the next couple of weeks?
Inquiring minds!!

I have Silkies due to hatch the next two Fridays, but I'm pretty far away from you, and if your broody is a bigger hen she might be too heavy for them. Mayah and I have both had Cochin hens crush Silkie chicks.
My broody is a Welsummer. She isn't huge, but she isn't tiny either. I am really hoping Mayah has some olive eggers or maybe I can try to hatch some eggs from the broody. I have never done that, only stuck day old chicks under her.
One way or another I really want some olive eggers.
How are you feeling about the Urch order?
So can those of you with Speckled Sussex answer a question for me? I have two 10 week olds and the one thing I noticed early on is that their comb was redder than any of my other breeds. I don't see any obvious signs of rooishness, just reddish combs on both of them. One's legs are thicker than the other, but no pointy feathers that I can tell. Sorry I have no pics, this is a spontaneous post.

Anyway, is this a trait of the SS, the reddish comb even as a young bird?
So can those of you with Speckled Sussex answer a question for me? I have two 10 week olds and the one thing I noticed early on is that their comb was redder than any of my other breeds. I don't see any obvious signs of rooishness, just reddish combs on both of them. One's legs are thicker than the other, but no pointy feathers that I can tell. Sorry I have no pics, this is a spontaneous post.

Anyway, is this a trait of the SS, the reddish comb even as a young bird?

Mine are just a bit younger than yours and the combs are getting reddish on all of them. Roos will usually have started growing wattles by 10 weeks, the ones I have are sprouting them and they are 7 and 8 weeks old.
My broody is a Welsummer. She isn't huge, but she isn't tiny either. I am really hoping Mayah has some olive eggers or maybe I can try to hatch some eggs from the broody. I have never done that, only stuck day old chicks under her.
One way or another I really want some olive eggers.
How are you feeling about the Urch order?

I am feeling pretty discouraged, but I guess we'll wait and see whether I hear anything tomorrow. If not I'm pretty sure he is done for the year.
Wendy how gorgeous that looks. Ok fine I'm jealous.

Hatch update:
8 hatched
8 pipped
One of the pips I think may have quit. It looks like his beak is right at the hole and he hasn't moved in hours. I'm not willing to open the bator to check and possibly compromise the others. Sigh.

Edited to add: It was a perfect day. The kids were so good and didn't even attempt to open the bator all day. They were constantly coming back and checking the bator and then coming to give me an update. All the kids got to see at least one hatch. It was a great experience for them considering they all live in the city and only get to see animals like this when they are at our place.
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Hi everyone. I have a friend with a broody hen and she wants some guinea hen eggs to hatch out. I said I would ask here if anyone has any?
Also, I think I have a broody. I am hoping that the order from Duane Urch comes this week
. If not, Mayah, or anyone, do you have any olive egger eggs or chicks about to hatch?
If not, what does anyone have hatching in the next couple of weeks?
Inquiring minds!!

I just pm'd you. Sorry it took so long to answer. I have a tendency of reading them via email on my phone and then waiting until later to respond via email. Sometimes I just get sidetracked and don't email on time. You are always welcome to call me.

I have had good responses from people who have hatched my eggs. I'm getting sporadic results with my olive eggs hatching. It's almost time to get a new roo but just don't have the heart to do that to black beauty as he is such a good roo. Next year I will have to do something. He really is a good and sweet rooster and doesn't beat up on other roosters, which is a huge plus in my flock.

I think, think, the EF has started laying. I have a very tiny off white egg. It's the size of my silkie egg but a different shape so am assuming that a new butt is laying it. If I could get the EFs to adulthood, I would have more of them as they do seem to have beneficial qualities like quietness and intelligence. They also don't eat as much as the others seem to eat. I just can't seem to get them to adulthood here. The little EF that my SIL has from me is still the size of a 6 week old. It just isn't growing. I suck so far as an EF mother, a welsummer mother, a polish mother (although this last batch seems to be doing well) and a black quechua olmec mother. Those breeds have not thrived here at all.

I lost one more of the olmecs which brings me to a total loss of 4. I started giving them sulmet in their water yesterday in hopes that perhaps they picked up something in route to my place. The panope is doing well but still has a pasty butt. The colloncas are doing well, as always. I'm working with Yashar to try to figure out a game plan for later. I love his birds immensely and would recommend to anyone here the Colloncas as they are small but lay medium size pretty green or blue eggs. They are also very, very quiet and sweet natured.
So sorry to hear about the difficulties with the specific breeds. Always a bummer to lose them no matter what.

That roo does sound like a keeper. I've never heard of a non-fighting rooster.
Some good friends came over to help with the coop today. We got a LOT done! But still a ton to do! We're getting there!


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